

的所有者及运营者,我们有义务尊重任何访问本网站人员的隐私。本条款旨在告知您我们关于收集、使用和披露您通过 提交给我们的任何个人信息和 匿名信息的政策和行为规范。"个人信 息"是指您通过.上传的个人信息,包括但不限于姓名、地址、电子邮件地址、社交账号、个人通过App采集的GPS定位数据及运动数据信息,以及与上述内容相关的其他非公开信息。"匿名信息"是指与您的个人信息无关或无联系的信息;匿名信息不允许透露个人身份。查看 和访问本网站、下载(App)即表示您已阅读、理解并同意本隐私条款全文。如果您不同意本隐私条款的所有内容,您的唯一且独有的补救措施就是立即停止使用本网站或App。


您向我们提供的个人信息当您成为 的注册用户时,我们会收集您的邮箱账号信息等;当您使用进行运动时,我们会收集您的身高、体重、健康数据或GPS定位数据等;当您回复我们的用户满意度调查时,我们会收集您的姓名和电子邮件地址;当您使用上传运动数据给我们时,我们会收集您的相关个人信息和运动数据。凭借技术收集的个人信息当您浏览本网站或App时,某些信息可能也会被动收集,包括您的网络通信协议地址("IP地址") 、设备序列号(”ICCID“)、ANDROID_ID、设备id、浏览器类型、域名、访问时间以及操作系统等。收集的IP地址、设备序列号、ANDROID_ID、设备id,目的是为了服务器的安全考虑和更好的用户体验,可以通过过滤这些数据来防止恶意软件攻击(比如短时间内频繁请求)。本公司承诺这些数据只用来临时处理,不会长时间保存和披露给第三方。我们也会使用"Cookies" 和 包括统一资源定位器 (URL) 在内的导航数据,来收集您的访问日期和时间,以及您搜索和浏览的信息。收集这些类型的信息可以让我们的产品和服务为您提供更有针对性的帮助。在我们向您发送的电子邮件中,有的会包含点击URL,基于方便您的考虑,当您点击这些URL时,您将通过我们的网络服务器到达目标网站。通过追踪点击率,能帮助我们确定您对特定主题的兴趣,还能帮助我们衡量发送用户通信的有效性。"IP地址" 是在您使用网络时向您的电脑自动分配的数字。在某些情况,您的IP地址在浏览不同会话时是保持不变的;但是如果您使用的是消费者网络访问提供商,您的IP地址在不同会话时可能不同。我们仅追踪和会话Cookies相连的IP地址,用来分析我们网站的流量情况。"Cookies" 是在您浏览个网站时, 网站向您的电脑硬盘驱动器发送的-一个小型 信息片段。我们可能使用会话Cookies (一旦关闭网页浏览器便会失效)和持久性 Cookies (会一直保存 在您的电脑上直到您删除它们),从而向您提供更加私人化和更具互动性的网站体验。按照网络浏览器帮助文件指南,您就能删除持久性Cookies.如果您选择禁用Cookies,网站的某些区域可能不会正常工作。 从其他资源得到的个人信息我们可能通过包括邮件、电话或传真在内的其他资源获得您的个人信息。我们可能将这些信息与我们已通过本网络收集的您的信息合并在一起,从而改进我们提供的产品和服务。用户反馈如果您在本网站上向我们提供反馈,对于反馈中包含的您的个人信息,我们亦会按照本条款的约定进行保密,我们也将利用这些反馈信息来更好的提升我们的产品及服务。

除非本隐私条款另有说明,否则我们通常不会向第三方交换、出租或共享您的信息。除非您提出要求或得到您的书面允许。目前我们不会与我们的关联公司(包括但不限于我们的母公司、子公司以及其他与我们有关联关系的公司)共享您的个人信息;但是将来如果我们要与这些附属公司共享您的部分或全部个人信息,我们会要求他们遵守本隐私条款。除非本隐私政策中另有说明,经过您的允许或者在以下情况下,否则我们不会与第三方分享您的个人信息。 服务要求披露。我们会向帮助提供服务的有关人员披露个人信息,包括执行技术、管理和数据处理任务(如托管、计费、实施、数据存储和安全)的人员。 法律要求或为了保护权利。如果法律要求,或者为了响应传票或法院指令,或者当我们单方面有合理的理由认为为了保护 第三方或一般大众的财产或权利必须进行披露时,我们将披露个人信息。 业务转让、破产。如果进行合并、收购或破产或者销售我们的部分或全部资产,我们有权将拥有的所有个人信息转让给接任的组织。除了破产或其它法院指定的范围,使用和披露所有转让的个人信息将受本隐私条款的约束,如果您被通知将出台新的隐私条款,本隐私条款有可能停止,则使用和披露行为受新隐私条款的约束。但是,转让后提交或收集的个人信息须遵 守的接任组织制定的新隐私条 款或政策。您在本网站或内发布信息时,应严格遵守相关规定,如果我们发现您发布法律、法规禁止发布或者传输的信息,我们有权立即停止传输该信息,采取消除等处置措施,保存有关记录,并向有关主管部门报告。如果有其他客户发现您发布的信息泄露个人身份、散布个人隐私等侵害其合法权益,或您如在我们许可的情况下发布商业性电子信息,而其他客户表示遭受侵扰,这些客户有权要求我们删除您发布的信息,或者采取其他必要措施予以制止。我们将会依法采取这些措施。


6. 广告
我们的应用使用 Google AdMob 来显示广告。AdMob 可能会收集和使用您的信息来提供个性化广告。您可以通过应用设置或设备设置管理您的广告偏好。用户依次点击 “设备”-》“关于软件”-》“广告设置”后,可以任意开启或关闭个性化广告推送。

根据国家法律法规的更新及网站运营需要,我们有权对本条款不时地进行修改, 修改后的隐私条款-旦被 张贴在本站上即生效力,并代替原来的隐私条款。您可随时登录查阅最新隐私条款内容。如您不同意更新后的隐私条款,应立即停止接受本站提供的服务;如您继续使用本站提供的服务,即视为同意更新后的隐私条款。我们建议您在使用本站之前阅读本隐私条款及本站的公告。如果本条款中任何一条被视为废止、无效或因任何理由不可执行,该条应视为可分的且并不影响任何其余条款的有效性和可执行性。


权限分类 权限名 权限说明
日历 读日历 android.permission.READ_CALENDAR 权限定义: 1、android.permission.READ_CALENDAR:允许应用获取用户日历数据 2、android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR:允许应用编辑用户日历数据 注:日历的读写操作,在日历应用中可以查看对应的日程。 典型场景举例: 1、制定学习计划、旅行日程; 2、火车票预订、旅行预订; 3、生日、会议等重要事件日程提醒;
写日历 android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR
相机 拍摄照片和视频 android.permission.CAMERA 权限定义: 允许应用使用摄像头 典型场景举例: 1、美颜拍照; 2、扫描二维码、条形码; 3、录像; 4、人脸识别; 5、智能识图; 6、分享,用于发朋友圈;
通讯录 读取您的通讯录 android.permission.READ_CONTACTS 权限定义: 1、android.permission.READ_CONTACTS:允许用户获取用户通讯录数据 2、android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS:允许用户编辑用户通讯录数据 典型场景举例: 1、通过通讯录添加好友; 2、备份克隆联系人; 3、电话本管理; 4、办公软件添加获取联系人
修改通讯录 android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
查找设备上的帐户 android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS 权限定义: 允许应用从账户服务中获取应用账户列表: 如google账号,微博帐号等列表, 不包括微信账号和QQ账号 和用户手动输入的电话号码等
位置 精准的 (GPS) android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION 权限定义: 1、android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: 获取精准的 (GPS) 位置 2、android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: 获取 (基于网络的) 大概位置 典型场景举例: 1、步行、骑行、架车等轨迹场景; 2、跑步、健走等运动健康场景;
(基于网络的) 大概位置 android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
(基于网络的) 大概位置 android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
录音 录音 android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO 权限定义: 授权应用可以使用麦克风。 典型场景举例: 1、录音机; 2、语音助手功能,语音导航; 3、语音通话,聊天 4、录屏 5、发音学习
设备信息 设备信息:读取手机状态和身份 android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE 权限定义: 授权应用可以获取设备imsi、imei、sn等设备信息。 同时也可以通过此权限,获取手机通话状态, 例如来电、响铃中、通话中等不推荐使用此权限, 请使用Android id或 广告id等替代
通话记录 读取通话记录 android.permission.READ_CALL_LOG 权限定义: 授权应用可以读取用户通话记录信息。 典型场景举例: 1、备份 2、通话记录管理功能 3、骚扰拦截:一般情况下会删除通话记录
写入通话记录 android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG 权限定义: 授权应用可以读取用户通话记录信息。 典型场景举例: 1、备份 2、通话记录管理功能 3、骚扰拦截:一般情况下会删除通话记录
电话 直接拨打电话号码 android.permission.CALL_PHONE 权限定义: 授权应用可以不经过用户点击授权,直接拨打号码。 不建议使用此权限,推荐调起拨号盘,用户手动发起拨号 典型场景举例: 1、通讯录中直接拨打电话; 2、浏览器中直接拨打电话; 3、联系客服;
添加语音邮件 com.android.voicemail.permission.ADD_VOICEMAIL 权限定义: 授权应用添加语音附件到邮件中 典型场景举例: 1、如定义,邮件场景
拨打/接听互联网通话 android.permission.USE_SIP 权限定义: 拨打/接听互联网通话 典型场景举例: 拨打SIP协议的互联网通话
重新设置呼出的路径 android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS 权限定义:重新设置呼出的手机号码,可以监听呼出的通话状态 典型场景举例: 1、呼出电话监听场景,通讯录 2、儿童手表
读取电话号码 android.permission.READ_PHONE_NUMBERS 权限定义: 读取手机号码 典型场景举例: 暂无典型场景,新权限
接听来电 android.permission.ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS 权限定义:授权应用可以接听来电 典型场景举例: 车载模式下接听电话
身体传感器 人体传感器 (如心跳速率检测器) android.permission.BODY_SENSORS 权限定义: 授权应用访问那些被用于测量用户身体内部状况的传感器数据。 一般特指心率传感器数据。 典型场景举例: 1、运动/健康相关,用于显示用户的心率状况,如Fere fit。 2、可穿戴设备应用
短信 发送短信 android.permission.SEND_SMS 权限定义: 授权应用发送SMS短信。 典型场景举例: 1、短信管理应用,如中国移动; 2、手机号码注册或登陆时的验证码场景,如AcFun应用, 允许通过手机号+接收到的验证码来注册用户。 3、游戏软件中的短信支付场景。
接收文字讯息 (短信) android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS 权限定义: 授权应用读取SMS短信。 典型场景举例: 1、短信管理类应用,如中国移动,Go短信; 2、手机号码注册或登陆时的验证码场景,如AcFun应用, 允许通过手机号+接收到的验证码来注册用户。
接收文字讯息 (WAP) android.permission.RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH 权限定义: 授权应用接收WAP推送信息。 典型场景举例: 1、短信管理类应用,如中国移动,Go短信;
接收文字讯息 (彩信) android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS 权限定义: 授权应用监听到来的彩信业务,拦截彩信接收信息。 典型场景举例: 1、短信管理应用,如中国移动,运营商系列应用;
读取小区广播消息 android.permission.READ_CELL_BROADCASTS 权限定义: 授权应用读取小区广播短信。
存储 读取您的 SD 卡中的内容 android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 权限定义:授权应用读取\修改或删除SD卡中的内容。 典型场景举例: 1、下载文件场景,如浏览器从网络中下载文件到手机中。 2、拍照场景,需要存储图片或打开照片。
修改或删除 SD 卡中的内容 android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
设备管理器 设备管理器 android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN 在其他应用上显示定义:该功能需要激活后生效,入口在设置中搜索 (设备管理器)可以查看到该功能; 1、删除设备数据 2、设置锁屏密码规则; 3、屏幕上锁 系统默认是非激活状态,需要在设置中激活后功能才生效 典型场景举例: 1、手机找回/查找我的手机功能,用于远程控制设备,恢复出厂设置等;
监听通知栏 监听通知栏 aandroid.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE 监听通知服务定义:监听其他应用的通知栏显示内容 典型场景举例: 1、手表手环穿戴应用,需要将通知栏信息引导到穿戴设备
第三方库 Google Play服务 READ_PHONE_STATE SDK存在收集IMEI、设备MAC地址和软件安装列表、通讯录和短信的行为 典型场景举例: 1、当谷歌登录时,会把谷歌账号和手机绑定在一起,下次登录会自动完成。 2、当在国外时,需要用到谷歌地图。
腾讯Bugly READ_PHONE_STATE SDK存在收集IMEI、设备MAC地址和软件安装列表、通讯录和短信的行为 典型场景举例: 1、当程序闪退时,bugly会自动捕捉异常并收集手机的相关信息一起 上传到腾讯服务器。方便开发人员排查问题。
高德SDK READ_PHONE_STATE ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 1、《高德开放平台隐私权政策》链接:https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/; 2、使用的高德SDK名称为: AMap3DMap_7.5.0_AMapSearch_7.3.0_AMapLocation_5.0.0_20200610.jar、 SDK提供方名称(即高德软件有限公司)、收集个人信息的使用目的、 高德SDK收集的个人信息。 详见《SDK合规使用方案(https://lbs.amap.com/agreement/news/sdkhgsy)
GoogleMobileAds SDK SDK存在读取特定类型传感器列表 是谷歌对外公开的SDK,包名:com.google.android.gms.ads.* 典型场景举例: 1、在初始化时会读取谷歌服务中的谷歌广告id
zxing android.permission.CAMERA SDK存在读取拍照传感器数据 是谷歌社区对外公开的SDK,包名:com.king.zxing 典型场景举例: 1、在扫描二维码和条形码时用到,这个数据不会传输都是在SDK内部处理。
微信登录SDK SDK存在获取已安装APP信息 是深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司对外公开的SDK,包名:com.tencent.mm.opensdk 典型场景举例: 1、在使用微信登录时,在登录授权之前会先判断是否已安装微信APP,只有安装了微信App才能使用微信登录。
QQ SDK SDK存在获取已安装APP信息 是深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司对外公开的SDK,包名:open_sdk_3.5.13.83_rc564928_lite.jar 典型场景举例: 1、在使用QQ登录时,在登录授权之前会先判断是否已安装QQ,只有安装了QQ才能使用QQ登录。
FaceBook SDK SDK存在获取已安装APP信息 是Mate公司对外公开的SDK,包名:com.facebook 典型场景举例: 1、在使用FaceBook登录时,在登录授权之前会先判断是否已安装FaceBook,如果安装了FaceBook,可以通过APP直接登录,如果没有安装就通过网页认证后再登录。
亿帆 SDK 【Android 和 iOS公共信息】 系统版本名, 系统版本号, 当前应用包名, 应用版本名, 应用版本号, 设备生产商, 设备型号, 分辨率, 网络类型,例:WiFi/3G/4G, MNC(mobile network code), MCC(mobile country code), 系统语言,例:zh-CN时区,例:GMT+08:00, 时间戳, user_agent信息, 屏幕方向,例:1:竖屏 2:横屏 【Android国内】 设备id(android_id), imei(用户授权才收集), oaid, mac地址 【iOS】 idfa, idfv
1. 基于用户设备信息调整广告策略
2. 基于用户设备信息分析广告行为(如广告加载、展示、点击等)
穿山甲 SDK 设备信息: 【双端】设备品牌、型号、软件系统版本、分辨率、网络信号强度、IP地址、设备语言、传感器信息等基础信息 【仅Android】AndroidID 【仅iOS】手机系统重启时间、磁盘总空间、系统总内存空间、CPU数目等基础信息、IDFV 您可以基于广告投放效果优化的目的需要选择是否向穿山甲提供如下信息: 【双端】无线网SSID名称、WiFi路由器MAC地址、设备的MAC地址(如为iOS端,则仅适用于IOS3200以下版本) 【仅Android】设备标识符(如IMEI、OAID、IMSI、ICCID、GAID(仅GMS服务)、MEID、设备序列号build_serial,具体字段因软硬件版本不同而存在差异) 【仅iOS】设备标识符(如IDFA,具体字段因软硬件版本不同而存在差异) 应用信息: 【仅Android】开发者应用名、应用包名、版本号、应用前后台状态 您可以基于广告投放效果优化的目的需要选择是否向穿山甲提供: 【仅Android】应用列表信息 广告信息: 【双端】对广告的展示、点击及转化等交互数据 位置信息: 您可以基于广告投放效果优化的目的需要选择是否向穿山甲提供如下信息:位置信息 性能数据: 【双端】如崩溃数据、性能数据 其他信息: 运营商信息、设备时区 获取权限: 可选权限: 读取手机设备标识等信息、获取位置信息、允许应用程序访问有关Wi-Fi 网络的信息、允许应用程序写入外部存储、允许应用程序读取外部存储、获取应用软件列表、麦克风权限
1.广告投放及广告监测归因、反作弊 2.减少App崩溃、提供稳定可靠的服务 3.应用下载广告投放及广告素材存储、语音互动广告的交互 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:穿山甲SDK隐私政策
优量汇 SDK 粗略位置信息: 【仅 Android】基站、附近的WIFI、连接的WIFI 第三方开发者可以选择是否向本SDK提供如下信息: 【双端】精确位置信息 设备信息: 【双端】设备制造商、设备型号、操作系统版本、屏幕分辨率、屏幕方向、屏幕DPI、IP地址、加速度传感器 【仅Android】磁场传感器【仅iOS】设备名称、系统启动时间、系统语言、磁盘空间、陀螺仪、压力传感器等基础信息 标识符: 【仅Android】OAID 第三方开发者可以选择是否向本SDK提供如下信息: 【仅Android】 IMEI、Android_ID 【仅iOS】IDFV、 IDFA 应用信息: 【双端】宿主应用的包名、版本号 【仅Android】 宿主应用的进程名称、运行状态、可疑行为 【双端】应用安装信息 使用数据: 【双端】如产品交互数据、广告数据(如展示、点击、转化广告数据) 诊断数据: 【双端】如崩溃数据、性能数据 1.广告投放、广告归因、广告监测、反作弊 2.最大程度减少App崩溃、确保服务器正常运行、提升可扩展性和性能 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:优量汇SDK隐私政策
快手联盟 SDK 基础信息: 设备品牌、设备型号、软件系统版本、存储信息、运营商信息、设备时区、设备语言、网络信息基等基础信息 设备标识: IMEI、MEID、OAID、AndroidId、IMSI、ICCID 位置信息: IP地址、MAC地址、GPS位置信息、基站信息、WIFI信息 应用信息: 应用安装列表、应用的进程名称、运行状态 其他信息: 传感器信息、sim卡激活信息 获取权限: 【Android】 必选权限: 访问互联网、网络状态、手机WiFi状态、安装应用 可选权限: 获取设备标识、获取MAC地址 【iOS】 网络权限、设备信息(IDFA)、获取粗略位置 广告投放合作、广告归因、反作弊、安全 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:快手联盟SDK隐私政策
百度联盟 SDK 设备信息: 设备品牌、型号、软件系统版本、分辨率、网络信号强度、传感器信息,磁盘总空间、系统总内存空间、手机重启信息、手机系统更新时间等基础信息、OAID、AndroidID(仅Andriod端采集) 点击记录等日志信息 开发者应用信息: 应用包名、应用前后台状态 如下信息开发者可选择是否允许百度联盟采集 (同时需获得最终用户授权同意),以实现广告投放效果优化: 设备信息: IMEI、IMSI、MEID(仅Andriod端采集);IDFA(仅iOS端采集) 位置信息 设备信息: 屏幕宽高,屏幕像素密度,系统版本号,设备厂商,设备型号,手机运营商,手机网络状态,设备剩余存储空间,手机重启时间和更新时间 获取权限: 【Android】 读取、写入外部存储卡、位置、读取电话状态(部分机型也称为“设备信息”) 【iOS】 位置、广告标识符(IDFA) 1.向最终用户提供或推荐相关程度更高(而非普遍推送)的搜索结果、信息流内容或者推广等信息,提升信息触达最终用户的效率以及准确率,同时避免虚假点击、违规推广、流量劫持等违法违规行为对最终用户体验及联盟市场合作秩序造成损害 2.评估信息触达最终用户的效率以及准确率,优化信息提供及推广的服务体验,以便提供更符合最终用户需求的信息内容,以减少无用信息及推广对最终用户的打扰 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:百度联盟SDK隐私政策
MMA 中国广告监测通用SDK 设备标识信息(OAID、IMEI、Android ID等)、网络信息(连接的WIFI、MAC地址等) 广告监测 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:MMA 中国广告监测通用SDK隐私政策
图灵盾风险识别SDK 硬件序列号、网络状态、系统设置、系统属性、设备型号、操作系统、IP地址、运营商信息、标识符如OAID、IDFA、IDFV等 由第三方开发者根据实际情况决定是否采集并传输给SDK,SDK采取去标识、加密等方式进行处理 广告推荐、归因及反作弊场景统计,如虚假流量识别等 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:【安卓版】图灵盾风险识别SDK隐私政策 【iOS版】图灵盾风险识别SDK隐私政策
京媒SDK 设备信息: 必选: 【双端】设备制造商、设备型号、设备名称、设备工业名称、设备品牌、设备网络码、系统版本、SIM卡状态、运营商等基础设备信息 【仅Android】系统指纹、SD卡状态信息 可选: 您可以基于广告投放效果优化的目的需要选择是否向SDK提供如下信息: 【双端】IP地址、网络信息 【仅Android】设备标识符(如IMEI、OAID等) 【仅iOS】设备标识符(如IDFA) 应用信息(必选): 【仅Android】开发者应用名、应用包名、版本号、宿主应用的进程名称 广告信息(必选):【双端】对广告的展示、点击及转化等交互数据 位置信息(可选):您可以基于广告投放效果优化的需要选择是否向SDK提供如下信息:【双端】地理位置信息 性能数据(必选):【双端】崩溃数据、性能数据 传感器信息(必选):【双端】加速度传感器、陀螺仪传感器 个性化广告投放、广告投放统计分析、广告监测归因、反作弊、减少App崩溃、提供稳定可靠的服务、摇一摇广告投放 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:京媒SDK隐私政策
鲸鸿动能SDK 设备标识符(OAID、Android ID)、设备信息(设备型号、设备硬件信息、操作系统、系统设置、设备使用信息)、应用信息、传感器信息(陀螺仪、加速度计、旋转矢量传感器、磁力计、气压计)、网络信息、运营商信息、IP地址、Wi-Fi信息(Wi-Fi状态、Wi-Fi 参数与Wi-Fi列表)、位置信息(如精确位置信息(可选,不存储)与Wi-Fi、蓝牙列表等粗略位置信息)、广告互动信息 程序化广告投放、广告监测归因、广告防欺诈与运营维护 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:鲸鸿动能SDK隐私政策
米盟广告SDK 【必选信息】 设备标识符:OAID; 设备基础信息:设备型号、操作系统、屏幕宽高、屏幕密度、设备地区、存储信息、CPU信息; 操作系统信息:Android版本号、系统版本名称、系统版本号、系统语言、SDK版本号; 网络信息:IP地址、WiFi状态、运营商信息、网络类型、网络连接状态; 应用信息:应用包名、版本号、应用前后台状态、运行中的进程信息; 广告信息:对广告的展示、点击及转化等交互数据。 广告投放及广告监测归因、反作弊、广告投放统计 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:米盟广告SDK隐私政策
OPPO广告联盟SDK 设备信息(设备制造商、设备型号、系统版本、安卓版本),标识符信息(OAID、DAID、Android_ID),应用信息(应用名称、应用包名、应用版本号、软件安装列表),地理位置信息(粗略定位信息,精确定位信息),传感器信息,WiFi信息 广告投放,监测归因,广告反作弊 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:OPPO广告联盟SDK隐私政策
vivo广告联盟SDK 设备信息:设备制造商,设备型号,系统版本,传感器信息(如加速度、重力、陀螺仪传感器); 网络信息:IP地址,联网方式,运营商信息,网络连接状态, SSID,BSSID; 标识符信息:IMEI(仅限安卓9及以前版本),IMSI,OAID,VAID,MAC地址,Android_ID,ICCID,SN号; 应用信息:应用名称,应用包名,应用版本号,软件安装列表; 个人位置信息:粗略定位信息; 应用使用信息:广告交互行为(广告互动记录,如曝光、点击、转化等信息); 诊断数据:崩溃数据、性能数据; 使用目的:广告投放,广告归因,广告监测,反作弊,减少App崩溃,提高稳定性和性能 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:vivo广告联盟SDK隐私政策
荣耀广告SDK 设备信息:设备品牌、设备型号、系统基本信息(操作系统、系统设置)、设备使用信息、广告标识符(OAID); 应用信息:应用安装列表(可选); 位置信息:精确位置信息(可选)、粗略位置信息(可选); 网络信息:网络信息(网络连接状态、IP 信息、Wi-Fi 信息、运营商信息); 应用信息:应用基本信息; 应用使用信息:用户互动信息(曝光、点击、下载等转化信息); 上下文信息:上下文实时信息(页面主题、文章或视频标题、文章或图片链接等); 广告展示、监测、归因及投放效果分析与优化、个性化广告推荐,防欺诈及其它恶意行为 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:荣耀广告SDK隐私政策
Tanx广告SDK 设备信息:(双端)设备类型、设备型号、手机制造商、手机品牌、操作系统、操作系统版本、分辨率、当前网络接入类型、网络运营商、设备密度、屏幕方向(IOS端)设备基础信息(如设备启动时间、设备语言、设备名称、设备内存和硬盘信息、系统更新时间、设备时区; 应用信息:(双端)版本号、应用包名、加速传感器信息(IOS端)应用安装信息(可选); 设备标识符:(IOS端)IDFA、OAID(安卓端10及以上)、IMEI(安卓端10以下)和OPEN UDID、IMEI(安卓端10及以上)(可选); 广告投放、广告监测归因、反作弊 第三方SDK的隐私政策链接:Tanx SDK隐私权政策
科大讯飞SDK com.iflytek 中国境内使用科大讯飞的AI产品 手机设备信息: IMEI、IMSI、MEID(仅Andriod端采集);IDFA(仅iOS端采集) 目的:用来检测产品ID绑定的手机数量是否超额,当超额会封闭当前的产品ID。
艾闪SDK com.aflash 中国境内之外使用艾闪提供的AI产品 手机设备信息:没有获取 计费方式是时长,是根据产品ID绑定来计算的。所以不需要获取手机信息。


我们设立了专门的个人信息保护团队和负责人。如您对 个人信息保护相关事宣有任何疑问、投诉、意见或建议,可 以通过以下任一方式与我们联系:

1.通过客服电话+86 13715184590进行反馈;





您也可以向我们了解可能适用的相关投诉途径的信息。 我们将始终遵照隐私政策来收集和使用您的信息。


Updated on August 27, 2024

The following privacy policy is the commitment of Shenzhen Zhongwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as \"we\") to user privacy protection. Please read it carefully to Learn about our management of your personal information

1. Overview
Shenzhen Zhongwei Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. is the owner and operator of , and we are obliged to respect the privacy of anyone who visits this website. These Terms are intended to inform you of our policies and practices regarding the collection, use and disclosure of any personal and anonymous information you submit to us through . \"Personal information\" refers to the personal information you upload through ., including but not limited to name, address, email address, social account, GPS positioning data and exercise data collected by individuals through the App, and related to the above content Related Other Non-Public Information. \"Anonymous Information\" refers to information that is not related to or linked to your personal information; anonymous information does not allow the disclosure of personal identity. Viewing and visiting this website and downloading (App) means that you have read, understood and agreed to the full text of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to all contents of this Privacy Policy, your sole and exclusive remedy is to stop using this website or App immediately.

2. User Consent
By submitting personal information through this website or App, you agree to this privacy policy and expressly agree to process your personal information in accordance with this clause. Our processing of your personal information may be carried out in the country where the information is collected, or in other countries, but no matter what, we will strictly abide by the local laws and regulations on the processing of personal information in the country where the information is processed. The personal information collected from you helps us provide the data display in the app and helps us understand website visitors, our users and potential users. By using these information, we can better optimize our products and provide better support for the upgrade of service functions, so as to provide you with better services.

3. Information we collect
The personal information you provide to us When you become a registered user of , we will collect your email account information, etc.; when you use for exercise, We will collect your height, weight, health data or GPS positioning data, etc.; when you respond to our user satisfaction survey, we will collect your name and email address; when you use to upload exercise data to us, We will collect your relevant personal information and sports data. Personal information collected by means of technology When you browse this website or App, certain information may also be collected passively, includes your network communication protocol address ("IP address"), device serial number("ICCID"), ANDROIDID, device ID, browser type, domain name, access time, and operating system.The collected IP addresses, device serial numbers, ANDROIDUIDs, and device IDs are intended for server security and better user experience. By filtering this data, malicious software attacks (such as frequent requests in a short period of time) can be prevented. Our company promises that these data will only be processed temporarily and will not be stored or disclosed to third parties for a long time. We also use \"Cookies\" and navigational data, including Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), to collect the date and time of your visit, and information about your searches and browsing. Collecting these types of information allows our products and services to provide you with more targeted assistance. Some of the emails we send to you may contain click URLs. For your convenience, when you click these URLs, you will reach the target website through our web server. Tracking click-through rates helps us determine your interest in a particular topic and also helps us measure the effectiveness of sending user communications. An \"IP address\" is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer when you use the Internet. In some cases, your IP address will remain the same from browsing session to session; however, if you are using a consumer Internet access provider, your IP address may vary from session to session. We only track the IP address associated with session cookies to analyze traffic to our website. \"Cookies\" are small pieces of information that a website sends to your computer's hard drive when you browse a website. We may use session cookies (which expire once you close your web browser) and persistent cookies (which remain on your computer until you delete them) to provide you with a more personal and interactive website experience. You can delete persistent cookies by following your web browser help file guidelines. If you choose to disable cookies, some areas of the website may not function properly.

Personal information obtained from other sources We may obtain your personal information from other sources including mail, telephone or fax. We may combine this information with your information we have collected through this network to improve the products and services we provide. User Feedback If you provide us with feedback on this website, we will also keep your personal information contained in the feedback confidential in accordance with the provisions of this clause, and we will also use this feedback information to better improve our products and Serve.

4. Disclosure of Personal Information
Unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, we generally do not exchange, rent or share your information with third parties. Unless requested by you or with your written permission. At present, we will not share your personal information with our affiliated companies (including but not limited to our parent company, subsidiaries and other companies related to us); but in the future, if we want to share your part with these affiliated companies or all personal information, we will require them to abide by this Privacy Policy. Unless otherwise stated in this Privacy Policy, with your permission or under the following circumstances, we will not share your personal information with third parties.
Service requires disclosure. We disclose personal information to those who help provide the service, including those who perform technical, administrative and data processing tasks such as hosting, billing, fulfillment, data storage and security.
As required by law or to protect rights. We will disclose personal information if required by law, or in response to a subpoena or court order, or when we have reasonable grounds in our sole belief that disclosure is necessary to protect the property or rights of third parties or the general public.
Business transfer, bankruptcy. In the event of a merger, acquisition or bankruptcy or sale of some or all of our assets, we have the right to transfer all personal information in our possession to the successor organization. Except for bankruptcy or other court-specified scopes, the use and disclosure of all transferred personal information will be governed by this Privacy Policy. If you are notified that a new Privacy Policy will be issued and this Privacy Policy may be terminated, the use and disclosure will be governed by the new Privacy Policy. Bound by the Privacy Policy. However, personal information submitted or collected after transfer is subject to new privacy terms or policies established by 's successor organization. When you publish information on this website or in , you should strictly abide by the relevant regulations. If we find that you publish information that is prohibited by laws and regulations from publishing or transmitting, we have the right to immediately stop transmitting the information, take measures such as erasure, and keep relevant records , and report to the relevant authorities. If other customers find that the information you released has disclosed personal identity, disseminated personal privacy and violated their legal rights, or if you publish commercial electronic information with our permission, and other customers say they have been harassed, these customers have the right to ask us to Delete the information you posted, or take other necessary measures to stop it. We will take these measures in accordance with the law.

5. Other websites
Based on the operation considerations and needs of this site and , we may provide you with links to any other websites or addresses. This is for your convenience and does not mean that we endorse these websites or address or its content. We do not control, review, and assume no responsibility for these external sites or their content. Please note that the terms of our Privacy Policy do not apply to these external sites.

6. Advertisement
Our app uses Google AdMob to display ads. AdMob may collect and use your information to provide personalized advertising. You can manage your AD preferences through app Settings or device Settings.After clicking on "Devices" ->"About Software" ->"Advertising Settings", users can freely turn on or off personalized advertising push.

7. Privacy Policy Update
According to the update of national laws and regulations and the needs of website operation, we have the right to modify this policy from time to time. The revised privacy policy will take effect once it is posted on this site and replace Original Privacy Policy. You can log in to view the latest privacy policy content at any time. If you do not agree to the updated privacy policy, you should immediately stop accepting the services provided by this site; if you continue to use the services provided by this site, you are deemed to agree to the updated privacy policy. We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy and the announcement of this site before using this site. If any provision of these Terms is deemed to be repealed, invalid or for any reason unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

Privacy Permission Statement

Permission Classification Permission Name Permission Description
Calendar Read the calendar android.permission. READ_CALENDAR Permission definition: 1. Android.permission.READ_CLENDAR: Allow applications to retrieve user calendar data 2. Android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR: allows applications to edit user calendar data Note: The read and write operations of the calendar can be viewed in the calendar application with corresponding schedules. Typical scenario examples: 1. Develop study plans and travel schedules; 2. Train ticket booking, travel booking; 3. Reminder of important event schedules such as birthdays and meetings
Write a calendar android.permission. WRITE_CALENDAR
Camera Take photos and videos android.permission. CAMERA Permission definition: Allow applications to use cameras Typical scenario examples: 1. Beauty photography; 2. Scan QR codes and barcodes; 3. Video recording; 4. Facial recognition; 5. Intelligent image recognition; 6. Share, used for posting on social media
Address Book Read your address book android.permission. READ_CONTACTS Permission definition: 1. Android.permission.READ∝TACTS: Allow users to retrieve their address book data 2. Android.permission-WRITE-CONTACTS: Allow users to edit user address book data Typical scenario examples: 1. Add friends through the address book; 2. Backup cloned contacts; 3. Phone book management; 4. Add and retrieve contacts in office software
Modify Address Book android.permission. WRITE_CONTACTS
Search for accounts on the device android.permission. GET_ACCOUNTS Permission definition: Allow applications to obtain a list of application accounts from the account service: List of Google accounts, Weibo accounts, etc., excluding WeChat accounts and QQ accounts Manually input phone numbers with users, etc
Position Accurate (GPS) android.permission. ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Permission definition: 1 android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION: Obtain accurate (GPS) location 2 android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION: Obtain (network-based) approximate location Typical scenario examples: 1. Trajectory scenes such as walking, cycling, and cycling; 2. Sports and health scenarios such as running and brisk walking
(Based on the network) approximate location android.permission. ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
(Based on the network) approximate location android.permission. ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
Recording Recording android.permission. RECORD_AUDIO Permission definition: Authorized applications can use microphones. Typical scenario examples: 1. Recording machine; 2. Voice assistant function, voice navigation; 3. Voice call, chat 4. Screen recording 5. Pronunciation Learning
Equipment information Device information: Read phone status and identity android.permission. READ_PHONE_STATE Permission definition: Authorized applications can obtain device information such as imsi, imei, sn, etc. At the same time, this permission can also be used to obtain the status of mobile phone calls, For example, it is not recommended to use this permission during incoming calls, ringing, or calls, Please use Android ID or advertising ID as an alternative
Call history Read call records android.permission. READ_CALL_LOG Permission definition: Authorized applications can read user call log information. Typical scenario examples: 1. Backup 2. Call log management function 3. Harassment interception: Generally, call records will be deleted
Write call records android.permission. WRITE_CALL_LOG Permission definition: Authorized applications can read user call log information. Typical scenario examples: 1. Backup 2. Call log management function 3. Harassment interception: Generally, call records will be deleted
Phone Directly dial the phone number android.permission. CALL_PHONE Permission definition: Authorized applications can dial numbers directly without the user clicking on authorization. It is not recommended to use this permission. It is recommended to call up the dial and manually initiate dialing by the user Typical scenario examples: 1. Make phone calls directly from the address book; 2. Make phone calls directly in the browser; 3. Contact customer service
Add voicemail com.android.voicemail.permission. ADD_VOICEMAIL Permission definition: Authorize applications to add voice attachments to emails Typical scenario examples: 1. As defined, email scenario
Make/answer Internet calls android.permission. USE_SIP Permission definition: make/answer Internet calls Typical scenario examples: Make an Internet call with SIP protocol
Reset the outgoing path android.permission. PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS Permission definition: Reset the outgoing phone number to monitor the call status Typical scenario examples: 1. Call out monitoring scenario, address book 2. Children's Watch
Read phone number android.permission. READ_PHONE_NUMBERS Permission definition: Read mobile phone number Typical scenario examples: No typical scenarios currently available, new permissions
Answer incoming calls android.permission. ANSWER_PHONE_CALLS Permission definition: Authorized applications can answer incoming calls Typical scenario examples: Answering phone calls in car mode
Body sensors Human body sensors (such as heart rate detectors) android.permission. BODY_SENSORS Permission definition: Authorize the application to access sensor data used to measure the internal condition of the user's body. Generally refers to heart rate sensor data. Typical scenario examples: 1. Sports/health-related, used to display the user's heart rate status, such as Fere fit. 2. Wearable device applications
SMS Send SMS android.permission. SEND_SMS Permission definition: Authorize the application to send SMS messages. Typical scenario examples: 1. SMS management applications, such as China Mobile; 2. The verification code scenario when registering or logging in with a mobile phone number, such as the AcFun app, Allow users to register through their phone number and received verification code. 3. SMS payment scenarios in gaming software
Receive text messages (SMS) android.permission. RECEIVE_SMS Permission definition: Authorize applications to read SMS messages. Typical scenario examples: 1. SMS management applications, such as China Mobile and Go SMS; 2. The verification code scenario when registering or logging in with a mobile phone number, such as the AcFun app, Allow users to register through their phone number and received verification code
Receive text messages (WAP) android.permission. RECEIVE_WAP_PUSH Permission definition: Authorize applications to receive WAP push messages. Typical scenario examples: 1. SMS management applications, such as China Mobile and Go SMS
Receive text messages (MMS) android.permission. RECEIVE_MMS Permission definition: Authorize the application to listen to incoming multimedia message services and intercept multimedia message reception information. Typical scenario examples: 1. SMS management applications, such as China Mobile and operator series applications
Read community broadcast messages android.permission. READ_CELL_BROADCASTS Permission definition: Authorize applications to read community broadcast messages
Storage Read the contents of your SD card android.permission. READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE Permission definition: Authorize applications to read, modify, or delete the contents of SD cards. Typical scenario examples: 1. Download file scenario, such as a browser downloading files from the network to a mobile phone. 2. The photo scene requires storing the image or opening the photo
Modify or delete the contents of the SD card android.permission. WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Device Manager Device Manager android.permission. BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN Display definition on other applications: This feature needs to be activated to take effect, and the entrance can be searched in the settings (Device Manager) can view this function; 1. Delete device data 2. Set lock screen password rules; 3. Screen Lock The system defaults to a non activated state and requires activation in the settings for the function to take effect Typical scenario examples: 1. Mobile phone retrieval/find my phone function, used for remote control of devices, restoring factory settings, etc
Monitor notification bar Monitor notification bar android.permission. BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE Definition of Monitoring Notification Service: Monitor the content displayed in the notification bar of other applications Typical scenario examples: 1. Watch wristband wearable application requires guiding notification bar information to the wearable device
Third party libraries Google Play Services READ_PHONE_STATE The SDK has the behavior of collecting IMEI, device MAC address, software installation list, address book, and SMS Typical scenario examples: 1. When logging in to Google, the Google account and phone will be linked together, and the next login will be automatically completed. 2. When abroad, Google Maps is needed
Tencent Bugly READ_PHONE_STATE The SDK has the behavior of collecting IMEI, device MAC address, software installation list, address book, and SMS Typical scenario examples: 1. When the program crashes, Bugly will automatically capture anomalies and collect relevant information about the phone together Upload to Tencent server. Facilitate developers to troubleshoot issues
Gaode SDK READ_PHONE_STATE ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE 1. Link to the Privacy Policy of Gaode Open Platform: https://lbs.amap.com/pages/privacy/ ; 2. The name of the Gaode SDK used is: AMap3DMap_7.5.0_AMapSearch_7.3.0_AMapLocation_5.0.0_20200610.jar、 SDK provider name (i.e. Gaode Software Co., Ltd.), purpose of collecting personal information Personal information collected by Gaode SDK. Please refer to the SDK Compliance Usage Plan for details( https://lbs.amap.com/agreement/news/sdkhgsy )
GoogleMobileAds SDK com.google.android.gms.ad SDK exists to read a specific type of sensor list It is an SDK publicly released by Google, package name: com. Google. android. gms. ads* Typical scenario examples: 1. During initialization, the Google ad ID in the Google service will be read
zxing android.permission. CAMERA SDK exists to read camera sensor data It is an SDK publicly released by the Google community, package name: com. king. zxing Typical scenario examples: 1. Used when scanning QR codes and barcodes, this data is not transmitted and is processed internally within the SDK
WeChat login SDK SDK exists to retrieve information about installed apps It is an SDK publicly released by Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd., package name: com. tencent.mm. opensdk Typical scenario examples: 1. When logging in with WeChat, it is necessary to check whether the WeChat app has been installed before authorizing login. Only when the WeChat app is installed can WeChat login be used
QQ SDK SDK exists to retrieve information about installed apps It is an SDK publicly released by Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, with the package name: open_stk_3.5.13.83_rc564928_ste.jar Typical scenario examples: 1. When logging in with QQ, it is first checked whether QQ is installed before logging in authorization. Only when QQ is installed can QQ be used for login. SDK exists to retrieve information about installed apps It is an SDK publicly released by Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, with the package name: open_stk_3.5.13.83_rc564928_ste.jar Typical scenario examples: 1. When logging in with QQ, it is first checked whether QQ is installed before logging in authorization. Only when QQ is installed can QQ be used for login.
FaceBook SDK SDK exists to retrieve information about installed apps It is an SDK publicly released by Mate company, package name: com. Facebook Typical scenario examples: 1. When logging in with Facebook, it is first checked whether Facebook is installed before logging in authorization. If Facebook is installed, you can log in directly through the app. If not, you can log in through web authentication.
Yifan SDK [Android and iOS Public Information] System version name, system version number, current application package name, application version name, application version number, device manufacturer, device model, resolution, network type, for example: WiFi/3G/4G, MNC (mobile network code), MCC (mobile country code), system language, for example: zh CN time zone, for example: GMT+08:00, timestamp, user_magent information, screen orientation, for example: 1: vertical screen 2: horizontal screen Android Domestic Device ID (android_i), IMEI (collected only with user authorization), OAID, MAC address [iOS] idfa, idfv
Utilize Yifan's advertising aggregation service to aggregate multiple advertising platforms for monetization 1. Adjust advertising strategies based on user device information
2. Analyze advertising behavior based on user device information (such as ad loading, display, clicks, etc.)
Privacy policy link for third-party SDK:Yifan SDK Privacy Policy
Pangolin SDK Equipment information: 【 Dual end 】 Basic information such as device brand, model, software system version, resolution, network signal strength, IP address, device language, sensor information, etc [Android only] Android ID [iOS only] Basic information such as phone system restart time, total disk space, total system memory space, number of CPUs, IDFV You can choose whether to provide the following information to pangolins based on the purpose of optimizing advertising effectiveness: [Dual end] Wireless network SSID name, WiFi router MAC address, device MAC address (if it is an iOS end, it is only applicable to versions below IOS3200) [Android only] Device identifier (such as IMEI, OAID, IMSI, ICCID, GAID (GMS service only), MEID, device serial number build_derial, specific fields may vary depending on software and hardware versions) [iOS only] Device identifier (such as IDFA, specific fields may vary depending on software and hardware versions) Application information: [Android only] Developer's application name, application package name, version number, application front-end and back-end status You can choose whether to provide pangolins with: [Android only] App list information Advertising Information: [Dual end] Interactive data on ad display, clicks, and conversions Location information: You can choose whether to provide the following information to pangolins based on the purpose of optimizing advertising effectiveness: location information Performance data: [Dual end] such as crash data and performance data Other information: Operator information, device time zone Get permission: Optional permissions: Read mobile device identification and other information, obtain location information, allow applications to access information about Wi Fi networks, allow applications to write to external storage, allow applications to read external storage, obtain application software lists, microphone permissions
1. Advertising placement, advertising monitoring attribution, and anti cheating measures 2. Reduce app crashes and provide stable and reliable services 3. Application download advertising placement, storage of advertising materials, and interaction of voice interactive advertising Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Privacy Policy for Pangolin SDK
Youlianghui SDK Rough location information: [Android only] Base station, nearby WIFI, connected WIFI Third party developers can choose whether to provide the following information to this SDK: 【 Dual end 】 Accurate location information Equipment information: 【 Dual end 】 Device manufacturer, device model, operating system version, screen resolution, screen orientation, screen DPI, IP address, accelerometer 【 Android only 】 Magnetic field sensor 【 iOS only 】 Basic information such as device name, system startup time, system language, disk space, gyroscope, pressure sensor, etc Identifier: 【 Android only 】 OAID Third party developers can choose whether to provide the following information to this SDK: [Android only] IMEI, Android-ID [iOS only] IDFV, IDFA Application information: [Dual end] Package name and version number of the host application [Android only] Host application's process name, running status, suspicious behavior 【 Dual end 】 Application installation information Using data: [Dual end] such as product interaction data, advertising data (such as display, click, conversion advertising data) Diagnostic data: [Dual end] such as crash data and performance data 1. Advertising placement, advertising attribution, advertising monitoring, anti cheating 2. Minimize app crashes, ensure server normal operation, and improve scalability and performance to the greatest extent possible Privacy policy link for third-party SDK:Privacy Policy for Youlianghui SDK
Kwai Alliance SDK Basic Information: Basic information such as device brand, device model, software system version, storage information, operator information, device time zone, device language, network information base, etc Equipment identification: IMEI、MEID、OAID、AndroidId、IMSI、ICCID Location information: IP address, MAC address, GPS location information, base station information, WIFI information Application information: Application installation list, application process name, running status Other information: Sensor information, SIM card activation information Get permission: [Android] Required Permissions: Access to the Internet, network status, mobile WiFi status, and install applications Optional permissions: Obtain device identification and MAC address [iOS] Network permissions, device information (IDFA), obtaining rough location Advertising cooperation, advertising attribution, anti cheating, security Privacy policy link for third-party SDK:Kwai Alliance SDK Privacy Policy
Baidu Alliance SDK Equipment information: Basic information such as device brand, model, software system version, resolution, network signal strength, sensor information, total disk space, total system memory space, phone restart information, phone system update time, OAID, Android ID (only collected on Android end) Click to record and other log information Developer application information: Application package name, application front-end and back-end status Developers can choose whether to allow Baidu Alliance to collect the following information (while obtaining end-user authorization and consent) to optimize advertising effectiveness: Equipment information: IMEI, IMSI, MEID (only collected on Android); IDFA (iOS only) position information Equipment information: Screen width and height, screen pixel density, system version number, device manufacturer, device model, mobile operator, mobile network status, remaining storage space of the device, phone restart time and update time Get permission: [Android] Read and write external storage cards, locations, and read phone status (also known as "device information" in some models) [iOS] Location, Advertising Identifier (IDFA) 1. Provide or recommend search results, information flow content, or promotions with higher relevance (rather than universal push) to end users, improve the efficiency and accuracy of reaching end users, and avoid illegal and irregular behaviors such as false clicks, illegal promotions, and traffic hijacking that may damage the end user experience and alliance market cooperation order 2. Evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of information reaching end users, optimize the service experience of information provision and promotion, in order to provide information content that better meets the needs of end users, and reduce the disturbance of useless information and promotion to end users Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Baidu Alliance SDK Privacy Policy
MMA China Advertising Monitoring Universal SDK Device identification information (OAID, IMEI, Android ID, etc.), network information (connected WIFI, MAC address, etc.) Advertising monitoring Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: MMA China Advertising Monitoring Universal SDK Privacy Policy
Turing Shield Risk Identification SDK Hardware serial number, network status, system settings, system properties, device model, operating system, IP address, operator information, identifiers such as OAID, IDFA, IDFV, etc The third-party developer decides whether to collect and transmit the data to the SDK based on the actual situation, and the SDK processes it through methods such as de identification and encryption Advertising recommendation, attribution, and anti cheating scenario statistics, such as false traffic identification, etc Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: [Android Version] Turing Shield Risk Identification SDK Privacy Policy [iOS Version] Turing Shield Risk Identification SDK Privacy Policy
Beijing Media SDK Equipment information: Required: [Dual end] Basic device information such as device manufacturer, device model, device name, device industry name, device brand, device network code, system version, SIM card status, operator, etc [Android only] System fingerprint and SD card status information Optional: You can choose whether to provide the following information to the SDK based on the purpose of optimizing advertising effectiveness: [Dual end] IP address and network information [Android only] Device identifiers (such as IMEI, OAID, etc.) [iOS only] Device identifier (such as IDFA) Application Information (Required): [Android only] Developer application name, application package name, version number, and host application process name Advertising Information (Required): [Dual end] Interactive data on ad display, clicks, and conversions Location information (optional): You can choose whether to provide the following information to the SDK based on the needs of optimizing advertising performance: [Dual end] Geographic location information Performance data (required): [Dual end] crash data, performance data Sensor information (required): [Dual end] acceleration sensor, gyroscope sensor Personalized advertising placement, advertising placement statistical analysis, advertising monitoring attribution, anti cheating, reducing app crashes, providing stable and reliable services, shaking advertising placement Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Beijing Media SDK Privacy Policy
Jinghong Kinetic Energy SDK Device identifier (OAID, Android ID), device information (device model, device hardware information, operating system, system settings, device usage information), application information, sensor information (gyroscope, accelerometer, rotation vector sensor, magnetometer, barometer), network information, operator information, IP address, Wi Fi information (Wi Fi status, Wi Fi parameters, and Wi Fi list), location information (such as precise location information (optional, not stored) and rough location information such as Wi Fi and Bluetooth lists), advertising interaction information Programmatic advertising placement, advertising monitoring attribution, advertising fraud prevention, and operational maintenance Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Jinghong Kinetic Energy SDK Privacy Policy
Mi Meng Advertising SDK [Required Information] Device identifier: OAID; Basic device information: device model, operating system, screen width and height, screen density, device region, storage information, CPU information; Operating system information: Android version number, system version name, system version number, system language, SDK version number; Network information: IP address, WiFi status, operator information, network type, network connection status; Application information: application package name, version number, application front-end and back-end status, running process information; Advertising information: Interactive data on the display, clicks, and conversions of advertisements. Advertising placement and advertising monitoring attribution, anti cheating, advertising placement statistics Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: MiMeng Advertising SDK Privacy Policy
OPPO Advertising Alliance SDK Device information (device manufacturer, device model, system version, Android version), identifier information (OAID DAID、Android_ID), Application information (application name, application package name, application version number, software installation list), geographic location information (rough positioning information, precise positioning information), sensor information, WiFi information Advertising placement, monitoring attribution, advertising anti cheating Privacy policy link for third-party SDK:OPPO Advertising Alliance SDK Privacy Policy
Vivo Advertising Alliance SDK Device information: device manufacturer, device model, system version, sensor information (such as acceleration, gravity, gyroscope sensors); Network information: IP address, networking method, operator information, network connection status, SSID, BSSID; Identifier information: IMEI (Android 9 and earlier versions only), IMSI, OAID, VAID, MAC address, Android-ID, ICCID, SN number; Application information: application name, application package name, application version number, Installed Application; Personal location information: rough positioning information; Application usage information: advertising interaction behavior (advertising interaction records, such as exposure, clicks, conversions, etc.); Diagnostic data: crash data, performance data; Advertising placement, advertising attribution, advertising monitoring, anti cheating, reducing app crashes, improving stability and performance Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Vivo Advertising Alliance SDK Privacy Policy
Honor Advertising SDK Device information: device brand, device model, basic system information (operating system, system settings), device usage information, advertising identifier (OAID); Application information: Application installation list (optional); Location information: precise location information (optional), rough location information (optional); Network information: Network information (network connection status, IP information, Wi Fi information, operator information); Application information: Basic application information; Application usage information: User interaction information (exposure, clicks, downloads, and other conversion information); Contextual information: real-time contextual information (page topic, article or video title, article or image link, etc.); Advertising display, monitoring, attribution, and analysis and optimization of advertising effectiveness, personalized advertising recommendations, prevention of fraud and other malicious behavior Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Honor Advertising SDK Privacy Policy
Tanx Advertising SDK Device information: (dual end) device type, device model, phone manufacturer, phone brand, operating system, operating system version, resolution, current network access type, network operator, device density, screen orientation (IOS end) device basic information (such as device startup time, device language, device name, device memory and hard disk information, system update time, device time zone); Application information: (dual end) version number, application package name, acceleration sensor information (IOS end), application installation information (optional); Device identifiers: (IOS) IDFA, OAID (Android 10 and above), IMEI (Android 10 and below), OPEN UDID, IMEI (Android 10 and above) (optional); Advertising placement, advertising monitoring attribution, anti cheating Privacy policy link for third-party SDK: Tanx SDK Privacy Policy
ifly SDK Using AI products from iFlytek in China Mobile device information: IMEI, IMSI, MEID (only collected on Android); IDFA (iOS only) Purpose: To detect if the number of phones bound to the product ID exceeds the limit, and if it exceeds the limit, the current product ID will be closed.
aflash SDK com.aflash Using AI products provided by Aishan both within and outside of China Mobile device information: not obtained The billing method is based on the duration and is calculated by binding the product ID. So there is no need to obtain mobile phone information.
Account cancellation process: Login -->More settings -->Account security -->Cancel account -->Confirm account cancellation. The prompt 'successful cancellation' indicates that the cancellation process has been completed.

Self start or associated start instructions
Push related: In order to ensure that this application can receive broadcast information pushed by the client normally when it is closed or running in the background, this application must use (self start) capability to wake up the self start or associated start behavior of this application by sending broadcasts through the system at a certain frequency, which is necessary for implementing functions and services; When you open the content and send messages (including calls, text messages, notification bars, etc., users can choose to turn them on or off), with your explicit consent, the relevant content will be redirected to open. Without your consent, there will be no associated activation.

How to Contact Us
We have established a dedicated personal information protection team and responsible person. If you are If you have any questions, complaints, opinions or suggestions regarding personal information protection, please feel free to contact us Contact us through any of the following ways:

1. Provide feedback through customer service hotline+86 13715184590

2. Send an email to: weijingna@zwzn-tech.com ;

3. Mail to the following address: Company Name: Shenzhen Zhongwei Intelligent Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Contact address: Building U3, Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Gushu U8, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

You can also contact us for information on possible complaint channels that may be applicable. We will always collect and use your information in accordance with our privacy policy.