BECS Direct Debit Service Agreement (Australia)

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Last Updated: April 2, 2019

Australia BECS Direct Debit ("Australia BECS Direct Debit") is a payment method that allows you to collect funds from bank accounts at authorised institutions located within Australia. By using Australia BECS Direct Debit via Stripe you agree to comply with the following terms in your use of Australia BECS Direct Debit ("Australia BECS Direct Debit Terms"), which supplement the provisions of the Stripe Services Agreement.

Australia BECS Direct Debit is facilitated by means of a Direct Debit Request ("DDR") and accompanying service agreement ("Service Agreement") through which the Customer authorises you to debit their account. You may only submit a debit for collection if you have obtained a valid DDR from the Customer, and you must ensure that the terms and conditions of the Service Agreement are made available to the Customer at the time that the DDR is obtained. You must use the form of DDR and Service Agreement provided here or such other form as may be approved by Stripe. You must use a reasonable method to verify that the person providing the DDR to you is actually your Customer and/or the owner of the account that will be debited.

You must provide to each Customer either a printed or a non-changeable electronic copy of the DDR and accompanying service agreement, and you are required to store each DDR (in printed and electronic format) in a safe and secure place for up to seven (7) years, or until the DDR is received by Stripe for storage. When a Customer request originates by phone, you must provide the Customer with written confirmation of the DDR and accompanying Service Agreement within 7 days of receipt of the request by phone.

You may only collect debits in compliance with the BECS Procedures which can be downloaded from the Australian Payments Network Limited (AusPayNet) website.

Prior to submitting a debit for collection, it is recommended that you send a pre-notification e-mail to the Customer that sets out the date(s) on which the Customer's account will be debited, the last 4 digits of the Customer's account, the debit amount, a mandate ID (reference number or mandate URL) and creditor identifier.

You are responsible for providing the correct direct debit data. Should a debit be disputed by the account holder, reversed, or fail due to any other reason --- including due to insufficient funds or incorrect account information --- you are fully liable to pay the amount that is disputed or reversed, as well as any applicable Stripe or third party fees. You acknowledge that Stripe must receive notification of any cancellations or variations to a debit at least seven (7) business days prior to the designated debit date.

You acknowledge that Australia BECS Direct Debit is not a guaranteed payment method, and there is a risk of failed payments and Disputes.

We may at any time request and you will provide evidence of your compliance with the preceding provisions and you will provide all such information without undue delay.