Consolidate projects and libraries in Final Cut Pro for Mac
In the course of creating a project, you might use media files from a variety of locations, including your local computer and external storage devices. If the media being used in a project, event, or library is located in multiple folders or on multiple storage devices, you can consolidate all the media in one location, on one storage device. This process facilitates archiving and makes it easier for others to access the media (using shared storage, for example).
The Consolidate command places the files in the current library storage location. You view and set storage locations for media, Motion content, cache files, and library backup files using the Library Properties inspector.
The Consolidate command follows these rules:
When you consolidate files out of a library to an external folder, the files are moved.
When you consolidate files into a library from an external folder, or from an external folder to another external folder, the files are copied.
These rules prevent broken links from other libraries.
Note: If the media is already external, and no other libraries are using it, you can manually delete the original media after consolidating to save storage space.
Note: If you have created or customized any Final Cut Pro effects, transitions, titles, or generators in Motion, set the storage location for your Motion content to In Library before starting any copy or move operations between libraries or storage devices. Otherwise, the Motion content is not included in those operations. See Manage Motion content in Final Cut Pro for Mac. Regardless, you must manually track and move any third-party (FxPlug) content, because it is not managed within the Final Cut Pro library.
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