View and print fonts in Font Book on Mac
You can preview a font family and its specific fonts, and print samples.

Preview fonts
In the Font Book app
on your Mac, select a font collection in the sidebar to see the fonts in it.
If the preview pane isn’t shown, choose View > Show Preview.
All Fonts: Every font associated with the Computer and User collections, as well as additional system fonts available for download. This collection appears in the Fonts window in an app.
Computer: Fonts installed in the Fonts folder in the system Library (/Library/Fonts/) and additional system fonts available for download. This collection is shown only when the User collection contains fonts.
User: Fonts installed in the Fonts folder in your home Library (~/Library/Fonts/). To show your home Library folder, press and hold the Option key, then in the Finder choose Go > Library.
If you create a library, it’s also listed in this section of the sidebar.
Select a font family or one or more fonts.
Change the preview as needed by clicking one of these buttons in the toolbar:
: Displays a sample of the characters, using the alphabet or script for the primary language set in Language & Region preferences. If a font supports multiple languages, you can change the language used to display the sample by choosing View > Language.
: Displays a grid showing available characters and symbols, or glyphs. Drag the slider to the right of the preview to adjust their size.
To show the Unicode name and code point for a character or symbol, hold the pointer over it.
: Displays blocks of text showing each style. Click a block of text, then enter your text to see it in that style.
: Displays information about the font, such as its manufacturer and location on your Mac.
Print fonts
In the Font Book app
on your Mac, select a font collection in the sidebar to see the fonts in it.
Select a font family, or one or more fonts, then choose File > Print.
Choose an option from the Report Type pop-up menu (if you don’t see it, click Show Details):
Catalog: Prints a line of sample text for each selected font. Select Show Family to include a sample for each available style. Drag the Sample Size slider to set the font size to print.
Repertoire: Prints a large grid of all the characters and symbols, or glyphs, available in the font. Drag the Glyph Size slider to set the glyph size to print.
Waterfall: Prints a line of sample text at multiple font sizes. Select Show Font Details to include information about the font.
Note: As you preview fonts, you can select individual characters or symbols in the window to copy, then drag the items to a text document.
In some apps, such as Mail, Messages, and TextEdit, you can select a font or text size to use as the default in the app. For more information, search the built-in help for the app. For help using fonts in third-party apps, such as Microsoft Word, check with the developer. See the Apple Support article Contact a third-party vendor.