Use the ES2 noise generator in Logic Pro for Mac
The sonic palette of oscillator 3 is bolstered by the inclusion of a noise generator, which can be activated by choosing the noise waveform. By default, the oscillator 3 noise generator generates white noise.
White noise is defined as a signal that consists of all frequencies (an infinite number) sounding simultaneously, at the same intensity, in a given frequency band. The width of the frequency band is measured in hertz. Sonically, white noise falls between the sound of the consonant “ F” and breaking waves (surf). White noise is useful for synthesizing wind and seashore noises, or electronic snare drum sounds.
You can also modulate the tonal color of the noise signal in real time—without using the main filters of the ES2—by modulating the waveform of oscillator 3.
Change the noise color
In Logic Pro, set up a modulation routing as follows: modulation target Osc3Wave, source ModWhl. The modulation amount slider behaves somewhat differently with this routing, essentially acting like a filter.
Use negative modulation amount values (not −1.000) to set a descending filter slope that roughly equates to 6 dB/octave. The sound becomes darker (red noise) as you adjust the mod wheel downwards.
To tune this pseudo filter down to 18 Hz, set the modulation amount to −1.000. When Osc3Wave is modulated positively, the noise becomes brighter (blue noise).
If you choose a modulation amount value of +1.000 for the Osc3Wave modulation target, the filter cutoff frequency is set to 18 kHz.