Edit send destinations and options with Logic Remote on iPhone
In the Logic Remote Mixer, you can choose the destination for a send, and edit send options.
Edit the destination for a send
In the Logic Remote Mixer tap the Sends button.
Touch and hold the bus with the send destination you want to change.
Tap an available destination.
Edit send options
In the Logic Remote Mixer tap the Sends button.
Touch and hold the bus with the send options you want to change.
Tap one or more send options:
Independent Pan: Use the Send knob to adjust the stereo pan that a send routes to an aux separately from the panning of the channel strip.
Post Pan: The signal is sent after the fader and the Pan knob. The send signal is affected by adjustments to both channel strip volume and pan adjustments.
Post Fader: The signal is sent after the fader but before the Pan knob. The send signal is affected by volume adjustments but not pan adjustments.
Pre Fader: The signal is sent before the fader and Pan knob. The send signal is affected by neither volume nor pan adjustments.
No Send: Removes the send from the channel strip.
Bypass: Tap to deactivate the plug-in without removing it from the channel strip.
Copy Fader to Send: Copies the current fader volume of the channel strip to the send level.