Save or download episodes in Podcasts on Mac
You can save podcast episodes to your library so you can find them more easily later. You can also download episodes to store them on your Mac and listen to them even when you don’t have an internet connection.
Save an episode to your library
In the Podcasts app on your Mac, search to find podcasts or click a category below Apple Podcasts in the sidebar on the left.
Hold the pointer over an episode, then do one of the following:
Click the Save button .
Click the More button , then choose Save Episode.
Saved episodes are automatically downloaded by default. To learn how to change this setting, see Change Advanced preferences.
Download an episode
In the Podcasts app on your Mac, search to find podcasts or click a category below Apple Podcasts in the sidebar on the left.
Hold the pointer over an episode, then do one of the following:
Click the Download button .
Click the More button , then choose Download Episode.
You can automatically download episodes when you save them. See Turn automatic downloads on or off.
Turn automatic downloads on or off
You can choose to automatically download new episodes for shows you follow, so they’re ready for you whenever you have time to listen.
In the Podcasts app on your Mac, choose Podcasts > Preferences, then click General.
Select or deselect Enable When Following.