Sort reminder lists on Mac
You can sort your reminder lists, and the Today, Flagged and Assigned to Me Smart Lists, automatically by due date, creation date, priority or title. You can also sort lists manually by dragging them into the order you want.
When you sort a list, the sort order is updated on all your Apple devices that are signed in with the same Apple ID and use iCloud Reminders. If you sort a shared list, the sort order isn’t changed on other participants’ devices.
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, select a reminder list in the sidebar.
Do one of the following:
Sort reminders automatically: Choose View > Sort By, then choose a sort option (Due Date, Creation Date, Priority or Title).
The existing reminders are sorted immediately, and any new reminders you add to the list are sorted automatically.
Sort reminders manually: Drag reminders into the order you want.
By default, the Scheduled Smart List is sorted by date. When you drag a reminder in the Scheduled Smart List to a different date, the reminder’s date setting is updated.
If you drag a reminder in a list that’s sorted automatically, the sort option for the list changes to Manual.
If you sort a list manually and subsequently change it to an automatic sort, you can choose View > Sort By > Manual to return the list to the previous manual sort order.
To change the direction of an automatic sort, choose View > Sort By, then choose an option for the sort direction.
The available sort directions vary, depending on how the list is sorted:
If the list is sorted by Due Date: Choose Earliest First or Latest First.
If the list is sorted by Creation Date: Choose Oldest First or Newest First.
If the list is sorted by Priority: Choose Lowest First or Highest First.
If the list is sorted by Title: Choose Ascending or Descending.
Tip: To quickly access the sort options, Control-click a reminder list title in the sidebar, choose Sort By, then choose an option.