About upgraded reminders on Mac
The Reminders app in macOS 10.15 or later makes it easier to create reminders with several new features, including Smart Lists, improved Siri capabilities, a new toolbar and more. To use these features, you need to upgrade the reminders in your iCloud account.
Note: Upgraded reminders are not backward compatible with the Reminders app in earlier versions of macOS and iOS.
Before you begin, make sure your Mac is connected to the internet. The first time you open Reminders, a Welcome to Reminders screen leads you through the upgrade process. If you choose to upgrade later, click Upgrade (next to your iCloud account in the Reminders app) when you’re ready to upgrade.
The upgrade process affects the reminders in your primary iCloud account only. Reminders in all other accounts, including secondary iCloud accounts on your device, remain unchanged.
See your reminders on other devices
You can view and edit your upgraded reminders on devices with macOS 10.15, iOS 13, iPadOS 13, or later, where you’re signed into iCloud with the same Apple ID.
You can’t access upgraded reminders on any of the following:
Devices with earlier versions of macOS or iOS. Any reminders you create on those devices are visible only on devices with earlier versions of iOS or macOS.
The iCloud for Windows app
On a Mac with an earlier version of macOS or on a Windows PC, you can access your upgraded reminders using a web browser. Go to Reminders on iCloud.com, then sign in with your Apple ID.
Shared lists
After you upgrade your reminders, you can share lists with others who have also upgraded their reminders. People who haven’t upgraded yet can’t see your shared lists. Additionally, you can’t see lists that are shared with you until the list owner upgrades their iCloud reminders.
If you share a list using Family Sharing, the list converts to a standard sharing arrangement when the family organiser upgrades their reminders. The converted list can have participants who are not family members.