What’s new in VoiceOver on Mac
VoiceOver in macOS Catalina offers new features to give you greater control while using a Mac.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier.
You can create customised punctuation groups to tailor the punctuation you hear for specific situations and easily switch between your customised and the standard punctuation groups using the Verbosity rotor.
VoiceOver Utility offers several enhancements for refreshable braille displays:
You can now show output in an extended number of languages such as Cherokee, Gujarati and Swahili.
For many languages, you can now use a Liblouis braille translation table.
VoiceOver now displays uncontracted six-dot braille by default. Depending on the language and table you choose in VoiceOver Utility, you may be able to change the mode to contracted six-dot or eight-dot braille.
You can choose to show just the item in the VoiceOver cursor on the braille display (instead of always showing multiple items). When you show just one item, you regain usage of dots 7 and 8, as they’re no longer needed to indicate the position of the VoiceOver cursor.