View the weather map on Mac
You can use a location’s weather map to view details about the temperature, precipitation and air quality.
Show the weather map
In the Weather app on your Mac, click a location’s weather map to expand it.
Note: The type of weather map shown can change depending on the weather conditions for the selected location.
Click the Overlay button to switch between viewing temperature, precipitation and air quality maps.
To collapse the map, click the Close button .
Use the weather map
In the Weather app on your Mac, click a location’s weather map to expand it, then do any of the following:
Pan the map: Drag in any direction to pan the map. You can also swipe with two fingers in any direction on a trackpad.
Zoom in or out: Click the Plus button or Minus button to zoom in or out. You can also pinch with two fingers on a trackpad.
View your current location: Click the Current Location button in the upper-right corner.
View a location’s weather conditions: Click a location pin or Control-click a new location, then choose “View [location]”.
Save a location to your weather list: Click a location pin or Control-click a new location, then choose “Add [location]”.
Change the precipitation map’s forecast range: Click the Forecast pop-up menu, then choose an option. (Not available in all countries or regions.)
Open a location in Maps
In the Weather app on your Mac, click a location’s weather map to expand it.
Control-click a location anywhere on the map, then choose “View [location]”.
Click the location pin or Control-click a new location, then click Open in Maps.