About the Accessibility Shortcut for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Learn how to add VoiceOver, Assistive Touch, Guided Access, and more to your Control Center for easy access. And use triple-click to quickly access frequently used Accessibility features.
Use the side or top button
If your device doesn't have a Home button, it has either a side or top button.
To set up Accessibility Shortcut: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut, then select the features that you use the most.
To use Accessibility Shortcut: Triple-click the side or top button.
To slow down the double-click or triple-click speed for the side or top button: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Side [or Top] Button, then change the setting.
Use the Home button
To set up Accessibility Shortcut: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut, then select the features that you use the most.
To use Accessibility Shortcut: Triple-click the Home button.
To slow down the double-click or triple-click speed for the Home button: Go to Settings > Accessibility > Home Button, then change the setting.
Use Control Center
To customize Control Center: Go to Settings > Control Center then tap the
next to accessibility features such as Accessibility Shortcuts, Magnifier, Hearing Aids, and Guided Access.To activate an accessibility feature from Control Center: Open Control Center, then tap the accessibility feature.
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