iCloud.com User Guide for iPhone
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Add or edit titles, captions, and more in Photos on iCloud.com
In Photos on iCloud.com, you can view and edit metadata about a photo or video, such as the date, time, and location. You can also add titles and captions to make it easier to search for items.
Go to icloud.com/photos, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
Tap the photo or video you want to see more information about.
Tap Edit next to any of the following metadata:
Title and caption: Enter text in the field.
Date and time: Tap anything in the Adjusted field, then specify the new date or time. To discard any changes, tap Revert to Original.
Location: Enter a location in the field, then choose an option. To remove the location, tap Remove Location.
Tip: If the photo or video doesn’t have a location already, tap Add Location first.
Tap Save.
Note: If you add or edit a caption for a photo or video in your iCloud Shared Photo Library, all participants can see the changes.