Use the Apple Locations template in Apple School Manager
Use the Apple Locations template to import locations using SFTP.
You can add up to 998 more location columns—named location_id_2, location_id_3, and so on, up to location_id_999. When you do this, you can add these locations to the Apple Students template, so students appear in more than one location. See Apple Students template.
Note: You can’t use SFTP to create student or staff accounts in the original location that was set up when your organization was approved by Apple to use Apple School Manager.
Value | Description | Example | Required/Unique | ||||||||
location_id | The number used to uniquely identify this school or department in your SIS or other database. Use the same location_id value to refer to this location for .csv students, staff, courses, and classes. | 7BF83DE0-9D69-4662-A1E9-DAAD468DEF09 | Yes/Yes | ||||||||
location_name | The location’s name. | Township High School | Yes/No |