Search for events
Use the search field to find past and future events with a matching title, location, attendee, or note. Results are listed in chronological order, with the earliest event listed first. If you have more results than can be shown, the first event listed is the event that comes up soonest. You can scroll up to view previous events or scroll down to view future events.
Enter a phrase in the search field in the top right of the Calendar window.
As you type, matching titles, locations, attendees, and notes appear in a list of search suggestions below the search field. To search using a suggestion, click it. To search for events that contain exactly what you entered, press Return.
When you search with Spotlight, calendar events are included in the results. To exclude calendar events from Spotlight searches, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Spotlight, click Search Results, then deselect the Events & Reminders checkbox in the list of categories.