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Job command syntax in Compressor
Below is a synopsis of the Compressor command for submitting a job to a cluster. The Compressor
command is located in <PATH>/
Important: The command below must be executed on one line.
Compressor [-computergroup <name>] [-batchname <name>]
[-priority <value>] -jobpath <file>[?frameRate=<frame rate>
|?audio=<file>|?frameRate=<frame rate>\&audio=<file>]
-settingpath <setting> -locationpath <file>
[-info <xml>] [-scc <file>] [-startoffset <hh:mm:ss:ff>]
[-in <hh:mm:ss:ff> [-out <hh:mm:ss:ff> [-annotations <file>]
[-chapters <file>]
Compressor -checkstream <file>
Compressor -findletterbox <file>
Compressor -help
Compressor [-resetBackgroundProcessing [cancelJobs]]
[-sharing <on|off>] [[-requiresPassword <password>]
| [-noPassword]] [-instances <value>]
[-networkInterface <bsd name>] [-portRange <starting port>
These three arguments are the minimum required to submit a batch:
Compressor ‑jobpath <path> ‑settingpath <path> ‑locationpath <path>