Add and delete reminder lists on iCloud.com
All reminders you create are put into a reminder list. Organizing reminders into lists makes it easy to keep your work, personal, and other to-do items separate from each other. Each list contains a place for active reminders and one for completed reminders. See Mark a reminder as completed on iCloud.com.
Create a new list
If you’re using updated reminders, use the Reminders app on a device with iOS 13, iPadOS 13, macOS 10.15, or later to create a new list.
Go to icloud.com/reminders, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
at the top of the window, above the reminder lists.
Type a name for the reminder list in the text field that appears, then tap Return or Enter.
Rename a list or change its appearance
Go to icloud.com/reminders, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
Do either of the following:
If you’re using updated reminders, select the reminder list and tap
to the right of the list name. In the pop-up menu, tap Name & Appearance. Change the name, color, or icon, then tap Done.
If you’re not using updated reminders select the reminder list and tap Options next to the list name. Change the name or the list color, then tap Done.
Delete a list
If you’re using updated reminders, use the Reminders app on a device with iOS 13, iPadOS 13, macOS 10.15, or later to delete a list.
WARNING: When you delete a reminder list, the list is deleted on every device with Reminders turned on in iCloud settings. All the reminders it contains are also deleted.
Go to icloud.com/reminders, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
Select the reminder list you want to delete.
Tap Options next to the list name, then tap Delete.
Note: If you accidentally delete reminder lists and you aren’t using updated reminders you can restore them on iCloud.com using a web browser on a tablet or a computer.
Show or hide reminder lists in a group
If you’re using updated reminders, you can organize reminder lists into groups. You can see these groups on iCloud.com. However, you must use the Reminders app on a device with iOS 13, iPadOS 13, macOS 10.15, or later to create and manage them.
Go to icloud.com/reminders, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
Tap the group name to show all reminder lists in the group.
Tap the group name again to hide the reminder lists.