Password-protect a spreadsheet in Numbers for iCloud
You can assign a password to a spreadsheet so only those who know the password can open it. Passwords can consist of almost any combination of numerals, capital and lowercase letters, and special keyboard characters.
People you invite to collaborate on a spreadsheet and who have editing permission can also add, change, or delete a password.
Important: There’s no way to recover your password if you forget it. Be sure to choose a password you won’t forget, or write it down in a safe place.
Add a password
Open the spreadsheet, click the More button
in the toolbar, then choose Set Password.
Type a password and password hint, then click Set Password.
A secure symbol
appears in the spreadsheet’s thumbnail in the document manager.
Be sure to send the password to anyone you want to have access. For greater security, don’t send the password and a shared spreadsheet link in the same email, message, or post.
Note: Adding a password to a spreadsheet encrypts the file.
Change or remove a password
Open the spreadsheet, click the More button
in the toolbar, then choose Change Password.
Do one of the following:
Change a password: Enter the spreadsheet’s password in the Old Password field, then enter the new password and click Change Password.
Remove a password: Enter the spreadsheet’s password in the Old Password field, then click Remove Password.
If you changed the password, be sure to send the password to anyone you want to have access. For greater security, don’t send the password and shared link in the same email, message, or post.
Important: If you add or change a password after sharing a spreadsheet, the password applies only to versions created after the password was added or changed. To prevent others from restoring unprotected versions or versions with older passwords, stop sharing the spreadsheet, add a password to it, then share the spreadsheet again.