Change your view of a FaceTime call
When a FaceTime video call is in progress, you can change how the call is shown.

View a video call in full screen: Click the green button
in the top-left corner of the FaceTime window, or press Control-Command-F. To return to the standard window size, press the Esc (Escape) key (or use the Touch Bar).
Move the picture-in-picture window: Drag the small window to any corner of the larger window.
Change the orientation: Move the pointer over the picture-in-picture window, then click
, or rotate two fingers on your trackpad. The orientation changes for the other person, too.
Temporarily hide the video call window: Click the yellow minimize button
in the top-left corner of the FaceTime window. (If your video call window is full screen, press Esc to return to a standard window size.) The audio portion of the call continues while the window is minimized. To see the video again, click the FaceTime icon in the Dock.
Keep the video call window on top: Choose Video > Always on Top. The call window “floats” on top of everything else, so you can always see it, no matter what you’re doing.