GarageBand User Guide
- Welcome
- Play a lesson
- Choose the input source for your guitar
- Customize the lesson window
- See how well you played a lesson
- Measure your progress over time
- Slow down a lesson
- Change the mix of a lesson
- View full-page music notation
- View glossary topics
- Practice guitar chords
- Tune your guitar in a lesson
- Open lessons in the GarageBand window
- Get additional Learn to Play lessons
- If your lesson doesn’t finish downloading
- Touch Bar shortcuts
- Glossary
- Copyright

Set and move flex markers in GarageBand on Mac
When you delete a flex marker, any time changes in the area around the flex marker are either removed (and the audio material returned to its original state), or reset to follow the previous flex marker or region start position and the following flex marker or region end position.
You can delete only those flex markers that were manually added or all flex edits that were carried out on the audio file, which includes audio quantization.
You can also change the position of a flex marker in an audio region without changing the timing of the audio material before or after the flex marker.
Delete a flex marker from an audio region
In GarageBand on Mac, do one of the following:
Place the pointer over the flex marker, then click the “x” in the region header.
Double-click the flex marker.
Move a flex marker without time stretching
In GarageBand on Mac, hold down Option as you drag the flex marker.