Controller assignments Class pop-up menu parameters in Logic Pro
Choose the class of assignment (the type of destination parameter controlled) from the Class pop-up menu at the right of the Controller Assignments window. Different options appear below the Class pop-up menu when you choose a class. The following describes the different classes, and the options available for each.
Class pop-up menu parameters
Mode Change: Choose to use an assignment to switch from one mode to another. An additional Mode pop-up menu appears below the Class pop-up menu, allowing you to choose between available modes. For example, Mackie Control assignment buttons can be used to choose different modes for the encoders. The mode chosen in the Mode pop-up menu is activated only when the Mode menu is set to Direct. If any other Mode menu item is chosen, the following applies:
Toggle: The assignment toggles between the zone’s first mode and the chosen mode. The mode change assignment must be located in the same zone.
Relative: Use to step up and down through modes in a zone (using two buttons) or to choose a mode with an encoder. The minimum destination parameter represents this zone’s first mode, and the maximum represents the zone’s last mode. The mode change assignment must be located in the same zone.
Rotate: Use to step through all available modes with a single button press. For example, if used with a Jog Wheel, a single button press would cycle between Off, Scrub, Shuttle, and then back to Off. The minimum destination parameter represents this zone’s first mode, and the maximum represents the zone’s last mode. The mode change assignment must be located in the same zone.
Global: Choose to use an assignment to control global parameters. A Parameter pop-up menu appears below the Class pop-up menu, showing the parameters listed below. These only work in relative mode, where changes are relative to the starting value or position.
Playhead: Controls the position of the playhead; feedback is sent in the format specified by the control surface group’s Clock Display parameter.
Playhead (Beats): Playhead position feedback is sent in beats format.
Playhead (Time Code): Playhead position feedback is sent in SMPTE timecode format.
Playhead (Beats, Scrubbing): Move the assigned controller to initiate scrubbing. The format is specified by the control surface group’s Format parameter. The controller value defines the scrubbing speed.
Move Locators: Move the left and right locators.
Left Locator: Set the left locator.
Right Locator: Set the right locator.
Move Punch Locators: Move the punch in and punch out locators.
Left Locator: Set the punch in locator.
Right Locator: Set the punch out locator.
Marker Position: Edit the position of the current marker.
Marker Length: Edit the length of the current marker.
Nudge selected Regions/Events: Nudge the selected regions or events by the chosen nudge value. (See “Nudge Value” below.)
Any Solo: Feedback only. On if any (track or region) Solo button is active.
Nudge Value: Set the value used for Nudge selected Regions/Events. Choose from: tick, division, beat, bar, frame, and 1/2 frame.
Scrub Status: Set the scrubbing status for the Playhead parameter (beats, scrubbing). Choose from: set clock, audio scrubbing, shuttle.
Automation of all tracks: Switch the automation state of all tracks between the following values: Off, Read, Touch, Latch, and Write.
Alert Text, Alert Button, Alert Icon: Used by plug-ins to define a special Alert mode. This is mainly of use to control surface developers.
Dummy: Use to temporarily disable a modeless assignment, by using the Exclusive checkbox. For more information, see Controller assignments Flip Group and Exclusive parameters in Logic Pro.
Cycle: Turn Cycle mode on and off.
Autopunch: Turn Autopunch mode on and off.
Go to Marker: Move the playhead to a marker number. An additional number field below the Parameter pop-up menu determines the destination marker number.
Group Clutch: Set automation group clutch; automation groups are disabled when the clutch is enabled. For buttons, sets the group clutch to 1 when the button is pressed, and sets it to 0 when the button is released.
Active Sense: Used by some control surfaces such as the HUI to process incoming Active Sensing messages.
Shuttle Speed: Set the forward and backward shuttle speed. Use this for controllers that send an absolute, rather than relative, value.
Waveform Zoom: Set the waveform zoom level in the key focus window.
Quantize Value: Set the Quantize value in the key focus window.
Division: Set the Division value in the key focus window.
Horizontal Zoom: Set the horizontal zoom level in the key focus window.
Vertical Zoom: Set the vertical zoom level in the key focus window.
Channel Strip: Choose to use an assignment to set a channel strip parameter. A Channel Strip pop-up menu appears below the Class pop-up menu, showing the following parameters.
Selected track: Corresponds to the selected track except when the control surface group’s Track Lock parameter is active. In this case, the selected track is the track chosen when Track Lock was enabled.
Fader Bank: Addresses a channel strip in the control surface group’s current View (Arrange, All, Tracks, Single). This is dependent on the current Fader Bank value for this mode. For example, if the View is All, the All view Fader Bank is five, and the number next to this parameter is two. Thus, the eighth channel strip in the All view is addressed (Fader Bank and No. are zero-based, so add 1).
Index: The index number of a channel strip in the Mixer, independent from channel strip type, as counted from the left end of the Mixer. The index number also includes channel strips without track numbers, such as auxiliary tracks. The index number changes as track order (and with it, channel strip order in the Mixer) changes.
Audio: An audio channel. The numerical value (No.) determines which audio channel is addressed (zero-based; to address audio channel 2, use a value of 1).
Software Instrument: A software instrument channel. The numerical value (No.) determines which channel is addressed (zero-based; to address channel 2, use a value of 1).
Bus: A Bus channel. The numerical value (No.) determines which channel is addressed (zero-based; to address Bus 2, use a value of 1).
Auxiliary: An Aux channel. The numerical value (No.) determines which channel is addressed (zero-based; to address Bus 2, use a value of 1).
Output: An Output channel. The numerical value (No.) determines which channel is addressed (zero-based; to address Bus 2, use a value of 1).
Master: The Master channel strip; if it does not exist in the project, the first output channel strip is addressed.
If you choose the Fader Bank, Index, Audio, Software Instrument, Bus, Auxiliary, Output, or Master setting from the Channel Strip pop-up menu, the following two parameters become available:
Number field: The channel strip number defines the number of the controlled channel for the selected channel strip type.
Parameter field: Text description of the addressed parameter. Can only be set by choosing the Logic Pro > Control Surfaces > Learn Assignment for [parameter name] menu item. Note that for plug-in and instrument parameters, Parameter Page offsets apply, allowing you to shift parameter addressing up and down by page.
Key: Choose to use assignments to emulate computer keyboard keystrokes. You can enter the key to emulate in the Key field, which appears below the Class pop-up menu. This is not case-sensitive.
Key Command: Choose to use an assignment to perform a key command. You can enter the key command in the Command field, which appears below the Class pop-up menu. Some key commands provide on/off or enabled/disabled feedback.
If you want to execute your key command assignment repeatedly, select the Key Repeat checkbox at the bottom of the Controller Assignments window. For further information, see Controller assignments Expert view Value parameters in Logic Pro. Click the Show button to open the Key Commands window. The key command shown in the Command field is automatically selected and shown in the Key Commands window.
Control Surface Group: Choose to set a property for the control surface group that the assignment belongs to. When you choose this class, a Parameter pop-up menu appears below the Class pop-up menu. This pop-up menu allows you to choose a Control Surface Group parameter (see Overview of Control Surface Group parameters in Logic Pro) or one of the options listed:
Note: Assignments for unsupported control surfaces always belong to the first control surface group.
Fader Bank for Current View: Maps to the fader bank for the currently used View allowing you to use one assignment per left or right button for all View modes.
Filter for All View: Choose to show eight additional checkboxes (for the eight channel strip types) when the View is All. Depending on the Value mode, these switches define which channel strips are displayed (by using Direct mode) or which are toggled (by using X-OR mode).
Fader Bank for: Channel strip choices are: MIDI, Input, Audio, Instrument, Aux, Bus, Output. These fader bank parameters are used in All View when only one channel strip type is displayed. This allows you to switch between several channel strip types, while retaining the current fader bank for each type.
If you choose one of the fader bank or parameter page settings from the Parameter pop-up menu, the following Bank Type options appear below the pop-up menu:
By One: The fader bank or parameter page is shifted by one channel strip or parameter.
By Bank: The fader bank or parameter page is shifted by the number of displayed channel strips or parameters.
CS Group Setting: The fader bank or parameter page is shifted by the value defined for the Parameter Page Shift Mode control surface group parameter.
Automation Group: Uses the assignment to set an automation group parameter. When chosen, a Group field appears below the Class pop-up menu. You can determine the edited group by entering a number in the field. Entering “0” sets this parameter to the group selected for the Automation Group parameter (in the control surface group parameters). A Parameter pop-up menu also appears below the Group field, allowing you to choose the automation group parameter for the assignment. For further information, see Overview of groups in Logic Pro.
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