Add, change, group, or delete reminder lists on Mac
Create separate lists to organize all your to-do items into categories, like grocery shopping, vacation planning, or movies you want to see.
You can change the name, color, and icon for each reminder list.
Note: All Reminders features described in this guide are available when using upgraded iCloud reminders. Some features aren’t available when using accounts from other providers.
Add a reminder list
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select a list under the account you want to add the list to.
Click the Add List button
in the lower-left corner of the sidebar.
Enter a name for your new reminder list, then press Return.
The new list is created with a random color and the default list icon.
Change a reminder list name
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select the reminder list in the sidebar, click its name, then enter a new name.
Press Return.
Change a reminder list name, color, and icon
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
In the sidebar, do one of the following:
Control-click the name of reminder list, then choose Show Info.
Double-click the list icon.
In the Info dialog, type a new name for the list.
Click the list icon, then select a colored circle and an icon.
The color is used for the list title, the list icon, and the circle that shows a reminder is complete
Click OK.
Group reminder lists
You can group iCloud reminder lists.
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select two or more reminder lists in the sidebar.
Choose File > New Group, then type a name for the group.
To rename a group, Control-click the group, then choose Rename Group.
Delete a reminder list group
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Control-click a group, then choose Delete Group.
If you want to keep the reminder lists and the reminders in the group, select Keep Lists.
Click Delete.
Delete a reminder list
When you delete a reminder list, all the reminders in the list are also deleted. If you want to keep the reminders, move them to another list before deleting the list.
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select a list in the sidebar, then press Delete.
Click Delete.
Set the default reminder list
You can specify a default reminder list, which is where reminders added by other apps appear. Reminders created by Siri, or in the Today, Scheduled, or Flagged Smart Lists, also appear in the default reminder list. If you decline a FaceTime call and remind yourself to call back later, that reminder also appears in your default reminder list.
If you don’t set a default list, these reminders appear in the list named Reminders.
In the Reminders app
on your Mac, choose Reminders > Preferences.
Click the Default List pop-up menu, then choose a list.