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VoiceOver User Guide
- Welcome
- Use VoiceOver in the login window
- Change function key behaviour
- Make VoiceOver ignore the next key press
- Learn or mute VoiceOver sound effects
- Hear hints and information
- Use positional audio
- Interact with areas and groups
- Hear progress or status changes
- Select and deselect items
- Drag and drop items
- Use cursor tracking

Use the VoiceOver welcome dialogue on Mac
When you first turn on VoiceOver, a welcome dialogue is shown.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier.
To continue using VoiceOver, press Enter or click Use VoiceOver.
To continue using VoiceOver and prevent the welcome dialogue from appearing each time you turn on VoiceOver, press the V key or select “Do not show this message again”.
To start the VoiceOver Quick Start tutorial, press the Space bar or click Learn More.
To exit the dialogue without turning on VoiceOver, press Command-Q or Escape, or click Turn Off VoiceOver.
To set an option to control whether the dialogue is shown, open VoiceOver Utility (press VO-F8 when VoiceOver is on), then click the General category.
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