Create a surround sound job in Compressor
There are two methods you can use in Compressor to add audio files to a batch to create a surround sound job:
Manually assign audio files to surround sound channels.
Append audio filenames with channel identifier codes and have Compressor automatically map the filenames to the correct surround sound channels.
Each method creates a source file in a job to which you can add a setting that supports surround sound audio outputs, such as a Dolby Digital setting or an AIFF setting.
After creating the surround sound source file, you assign output information to the job (one or more settings or a destination and a location and name for the transcoded file), then transcode the batch containing the job.
Create a surround sound source file by manually assigning channels
In Compressor, do one of the following:
At the bottom of the batch area, click the Add pop-up menu
, then choose Add Surround Sound Group.
Choose File > Add Surround Sound Group.
The channel assignment dialog opens.
To assign a source audio file to each channel, do one of the following:
Drag the source audio file from the Finder to the icon for a specific channel.
Click the icon for a specific channel, select a source audio file intended for that channel, then click Open.
To include a video file, click the Add Video button, select a video file, then click Open.
When you’re done setting up the surround sound group, click Add.
A new surround sound source media file appears in a job in the batch area.
To view additional information about the surround sound source file in the Job inspector, select the job in the batch area.
The Job inspector appears on the right side of the Compressor window. (If the inspector pane is hidden, click the Inspector button
in the upper-right corner of the Compressor window.)
Create a surround sound source file using channel identifier codes
You can add channel identifier codes to the filenames of surround sound files in the Finder, then add the files in Compressor.
In the Finder, append the filename of each audio file with the appropriate channel identifier code:
-L: Left front channel
-R: Right front channel
-C: Center front channel
-Ls: Left surround channel
-Rs: Right surround channel
-S: Center surround channel
-LFE: Low-frequency effects channel (subwoofer, LFE)
For example, if the audio file for your left front channel is named “final audio_left.aiff,” name the file “final audio_left-L.aiff.”
Note: Compressor will recognize source files with or without a file extension (.aiff or .wav, for example).
Drag all of the renamed source audio files (not the folder of files) to the batch area in Compressor.
A new job appears in the batch area, and the Job inspector displays the audio channels that have been assigned based on their channel codes. (If the Job inspector is not visible, make sure the job is selected in batch area and the Inspector button
is highlighted. If you need to reassign a channel, you can do so by clicking the channel’s icon in the Job inspector.
You can optionally include a video file in the surround sound source file by clicking the Add Video button in the Job inspector, selecting a video file, and clicking Open.
Modify a surround sound source file
In the Compressor batch area, select a job that contains a surround sound source file.
In the Surround Sound Properties area of the Job inspector, do either of the following:
Assign a different file to a channel: Click the channel’s icon, select a different file, then click Open.
Remove a file from a channel: Click the Remove button