Export captions in Compressor
After you import captions into a job (optionally editing text properties and adjusting timing), you’re ready to export the video and captions. In a standard Compressor batch, the transcode setting and captions format you choose determines how Compressor outputs the job:
When you use a standard transcode setting (Apple Devices or MPEG Files, for example) to combine a video with CEA-608 closed captions, Compressor can embed the captions directly into the output video file. Optionally, you can have Compressor save a separate captions text file (in the .scc filename format) to your computer.
When you use a standard transcode setting to combine video with iTT subtitles or SRT subtitles, Compressor saves the video file (without embedded captions) and a separate captions text file (in the .itt or .srt filename format) to your computer.
Note: iTT subtitles and SRT subtitles can’t be embedded in a video file, so it’s not recommended that you use this format unless you’re creating an iTunes Store package.
Transcode video and captions using standard transcode settings
To export video and captions using any of the Apple Devices settings, or settings based on the QuickTime Movie, MPEG-2, or MPEG-4 formats, do the following:
If you want to embed CEA-608 captions in the output video, click the output row in the Compressor batch area (under the Setting heading), then in the General inspector, make sure “Embed closed captions” is selected.
Note: You can’t embed iTT subtitles or SRT subtitles into output video.
If you want to output a separate captions file (in the CEA-608, iTT, or SRT format), click the video source filename in the batch inspector, then select “Save captions to disk” at the bottom of the Job inspector.
Click the Start Batch button in the lower-right corner of the batch area.
If the job contains errors, a warning dialog appears. Click the Review button to see the errors. After you fix the errors, click the Start Batch button again.
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