Grapher keyboard shortcuts
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly enter equations and view 3D graphs.
You can also choose Window > Show Equation Palette, or use the Add Elements pop-up menu to the right of the Equation field to insert special operators or characters. To see a complete list of all supported constants and functions, choose Help > Show Built-In Definitions.
Special characters
Operator or character | Shortcut |
Fraction (½) | / |
Exponent or superscript (x³) | ^ |
Index or subscript (k0) | _ (underscore) |
Square root (√2) | Option-V |
Root (³√27) | Shift-Option-V |
Sum ( | Option-W |
Product ( ∏ ) | Shift-Option-P |
Integral ( ∫ ) | Option-B |
Pi ( | Option-P |
Equation tips
Task | Tips |
Enter equations and functions | Type them as you would ordinarily write them. For example, x = 2y or f(t) = 1 + 3t |
Enter a constant value | Use = or :=. For example, k = 1 or k :=1 |
Enter multiple values for a constant | Enclose the values in braces. For example, k = { 1, 2, 3 } |
Enter a range of values | Use ellipses (...). For example, k = { 1...10 } or k = { 0, 5, 10...15 } |
Combine definitions | Use a comma. For example, x = 1 + cos(3k-y), k={ 1...5 } |
3D graphs
Action | Shortcut |
Move | Press and hold the Command key as you drag. |
Rotate | Press and hold the Option key as you drag. |
Zoom in and out | Press and hold the Shift key as you drag. |