About AirPort analytics on Mac
Apple would like your help to improve the quality and performance of its products and services. Your AirPort Base Station can automatically collect analytics information and send it to Apple for analysis—but only with your explicit consent.
AirPort analytics information may include details about hardware and operating system specifications, performance statistics, Internet routing information, and data about how you use your device. None of the collected information identifies you personally. Information from which you can be personally identified is either not logged at all or is removed from any reports before they’re sent to Apple.
You can opt-out of sharing analytics from your base station at any time.
To stop sharing analytics, select your base station in the graphical overview, click the Edit button, then choose Base Station > AirPort Analytics (in the AirPort Utility menu). Then deselect the “Send analytics data to Apple” checkbox.
At all times, information collected by Apple will be treated in accordance with Apple’s Privacy Policy, which can be found at www.apple.com/privacy.