Compressor workflow
The basic process of transcoding files in Compressor is described below.
Import your media into Compressor
The first step in the transcoding process is to add one or more media source files to Compressor. You can add media files from your computer or a connected storage device. Each media source file in Compressor is called a job. Each transcoding session, containing one or more jobs, is called a batch.
Apply transcoding instructions
After you add a source file, apply one or more transcoding instructions to it. Compressor provides a variety of preconfigured transcoding instructions called settings, which you can use to convert files to the most common media formats. If you want, you can modify the setting’s properties to meet your requirements.
Compressor also provides a number of preconfigured destinations, which combine settings and a post-transcoding action, such as burning a Blu-ray disc.
Choose an output location
Designate a location on your computer or on a connected storage device where you want to save the transcoded media file. You can choose any of several preconfigured locations, including your computer desktop, your Movies folder, or a custom location.
Submit your media for transcoding
After you assign settings or a destination and specify an output location in Compressor, click the Start Batch button to begin the transcoding process. You can monitor the progress of the transcoding in Active view. After transcoding is complete, you can see information about the settings or destinations you used in Completed view.
You can also automatically apply transcoding instructions to any media source files saved or moved into a specially configured watch folder. For detailed instructions on watch folders, see Work with watch folders in Compressor.
See Transcode files in Compressor to view a list of detailed instructions.
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