Delete or recover a Freeform board on Mac
You can delete or remove Freeform boards you no longer need. You can also recover deleted boards you want to keep.
Delete a board
In the Freeform app
on your Mac, click a category in the sidebar.
If you don’t see the sidebar, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Select one or more boards, then press Delete.
What happens to my deleted boards?
If you delete a board, it’s moved to the Recently Deleted folder. You can view and recover boards in the Recently Deleted folder for up to 30 days.
If you delete a board you’ve been added to as a participant, the board is deleted from all your devices; however, if you still have the link you received when you were invited to open the board, you may be able to access it again.
If you delete a board that you shared with others, the board is deleted from all your devices and all the participants’ devices. See Invite others to collaborate on a board.
Recover a recently deleted board
In the Freeform app
on your Mac, click Recently Deleted in the sidebar.
If you don’t see the sidebar, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Control-click a board in the Recently Deleted folder, then choose Recover.
Permanently remove a recently deleted board
In the Freeform app
on your Mac, click Recently Deleted in the sidebar, then select a board.
If you don’t see the sidebar, choose View > Show Sidebar.
Press Delete, then click Delete in the dialog.