Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts in Motion
Action | Shortcut |
Create a particle emitter | E |
Add an image mask to the selected layer | Shift-Command-M |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, zoom incrementally into the Chroma control | Z and click the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, zoom incrementally out of the Chroma control | Option-Z and click the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, zoom smoothly into the Chroma control | Z and drag right in the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, zoom smoothly out of the Chroma control | Z and drag left in the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, zoom smoothly in or out of the Chroma control | Space bar-Command (in that order) and drag right or left in the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, pan the Chroma control | H and drag the color wheel |
In the Green Screen Keyer filter, reset the chroma zoom and center (when the pointer is over the Chroma control) | Shift-Z |
Select the next object above | Up Arrow |
Select the next object below | Down Arrow |
Nudge the selected objects one pixel | Command-Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow |
Nudge the selected objects 10 pixels | Shift-Command-Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Left Arrow, or Right Arrow |
Add/Remove selected objects using the region box | Shift-drag in the canvas |
Select multiple objects in a group or layer | Command-click an object or objects |
Add to selection | Shift-click an object |
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