Delete pages or sections in Pages for iCloud
You can easily delete any page in a page layout document, or an entire section (including all of its pages) in a word-processing document. You can also delete a portion of a page or a section.
Go to Pages for iCloud
, then sign in to your Apple Account (if necessary).
In your document, do any of the following:
Delete a page in a page layout document: Click
in the toolbar, choose Page Thumbnails. Select the page you want to delete, then press Delete on your keyboard. To select multiple pages, press the Command key (on a Mac) or the Control key (on a Windows device) as you select page thumbnails.
Tip: You can also press the Control key, click the page background in the document editor, then choose Delete Page.
Delete a section in a word-processing document: Click
in the toolbar, then choose Page Thumbnails. Select any page in the section you want to delete (a highlight appears behind other pages in the same section), then press Delete on your keyboard.
Delete only a portion of a page or section: Copy or cut the content you want to keep, paste it somewhere else (a different page or section), then delete the original page or section as described above. Alternatively, you could select only the content you don’t want, then press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Delete a blank page in a word-processing document: Click to place the insertion point at the bottom of the page, then keep pressing Delete until the page disappears. This removes all invisible characters like paragraph breaks and formatting elements.
Important: If you accidentally delete something and want it back, click the Undo button in the toolbar.