Access watch folder settings and properties in Compressor
You can access watch folder settings and properties in the inspector pane.
Watch folder settings
Status: Activate or deactivate the watch folder. When a watch folder is active, you can no longer modify any of its properties.
Name: Change the name of the watch folder in the Compressor UI. This doesn’t change the name of the folder in the Finder, but it affects the name of the automatically created output folder if you choose Automatic for the output location for your watch folder.
Location: Click Select to choose a new location for your watch folder. The current location of the watch folder is displayed below the Select button.
Process using: If you’ve configured computer groups in Shared Computers settings, you can select one of your groups here. The default is This Computer. For information on setting up computer groups, see Transcode batches with multiple computers using Compressor.
When activating a Watch Folder, start processing files already present: By default, Compressor ignores files that are already in a watch folder before it is activated. This way, you can leave files in the watch folder without the files being transcoded multiple times. However, if you dragged or saved files into a watch folder and want them to be processed when you activate the folder, select this checkbox.
Action settings
When done: Choose what job action Compressor applies to the processed files. The default is Save only, which saves the transcoded files to the watch folder’s output folder. When you select Save only, a checkbox lets you choose to save captions to disk along with the transcoded files.
In addition to Save only, the pop-up menu offers all the standard job actions available in Compressor. For a complete list of job actions and their properties, see Job action properties in Compressor.
Show watch folder properties
In the Watch Folders area of Compressor, select a watch folder.
The inspector shows the properties for the selected watch folder.
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