Improve conversion accuracy
You can convert kana to kanji using individual segment conversions (by phrase or word) or multiple segment conversions (entering multiple segments and converting them all at once). Segments are the smallest units that can be read by punctuating at natural places when reading sentences. For example, 赤い花が咲く (akaihanagasaku) can be divided into three segments: 赤い (akai), 花が (hanaga), and 咲く (saku).
Fewer conversions and confirmations are required with multiple (rather than individual) segment conversions, which improves conversion accuracy. For example, to enter 彼女は故郷に戻りました。 (kanojyoha kokyouni modorimashita.), you could divide the sentence into three segments: かのじょは (kanojyoha), こきょうに (kokyouni), and もどりました (modorimashita). However, in most cases, the conversion will be more accurate if the entire sentence is entered and converted at once: かのじょはこきょうにもどりました。 (kanojyohakokyounimodorimashita.).