Mail Drop limits

Mail Drop lets you send large files such as videos, presentations and images through iCloud. If you’ve shared links through Mail Drop that are no longer available, you may have exceeded one or more of the service limits.

With Mail Drop, you can send attachments up to 5GB in size. You can send these attachments directly from Mail on your Mac, the Mail app on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, and from on your Mac or PC. All files types are supported and attachments don’t count towards your iCloud storage. If a message, including its attachments, is larger than your Internet Service Provider (ISP) limit, Mail will ask you to send the attachments using Mail Drop.

Attachments may not be sent using Mail Drop if they exceed these limits:

You should also review these limits:

  • Mail Drop works with a Mac using OS X Yosemite or later, an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch with iOS 9.2, and a Mac or PC with an updated browser. See the system requirements for Mail Drop.

  • After you’ve sent an email, the recipients will have 30 days to download the Mail Drop attachments.

  • The recipient’s email app may have a smaller message size limit that prevents the attachment from being delivered.

  • The time it takes to upload or download an attachment can vary depending on the speed of your internet connection and the size of your attachment.

  • The recipients may not be able to access your attachment if the link has an excessive amount of downloads or high traffic.

Find out more about downloading or opening email attachments

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