Add a shortcut to Reminders using Siri on iPhone or iPad
You can use Siri to add shortcuts to the Reminders app, specifying shortcuts to be shown at a particular time or location. For example, you can schedule a reminder to run the Log Weight shortcut each morning or to display the Home ETA shortcut when you depart from work.
Add a shortcut to Reminders using Siri
In the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad, tap on a shortcut, activate Siri, then say “Remind me about this”.
The shortcut is added to your default Reminders list. The name of the shortcut is the title of the reminder.
Note: You can also use alternative Siri phrases such as “Add this to my Work list” or “Remind me about this on Saturday at 2 pm.”
For more information on talking to Siri, see Ask Siri on iPhone in the iPhone User Guide.
To run the shortcut from Reminders, tap the Shortcuts icon in the list.