Watch movies and shows shared with you on Mac
When someone shares movies or shows with you using the Messages app , you can easily find them in Shared with You in the Apple TV app.
Note: To see movies and shows shared with you in the Apple TV app, you must first select TV in the Shared with You pane in Messages preferences. See Keep track of shared content in Messages in the Messages User Guide.
In the Apple TV app
on your Mac, click Watch Now at the top of the window.
Scroll down to the Shared with You row, then do any of the following:
Play the episode: Move the pointer over the movie or show shared with you, then click the Play button.
View show or episode details: Click the thumbnail next to the movie or show.
Reply to the sender in Messages: Click the name of the person who shared the movie or show.
The Messages app
opens, ready for you to type a response. See Send an inline reply to a text message in the Messages User Guide.
Remove the show or episode from the Shared with You row: Control-click the movie or show, then choose Remove.
Note: The Shared with You row in Watch Now does not appear until someone shares a movie or show with you.