Take advantage of content filtering
iOS, iPadOS and macOS support multiple forms of content filtering, including restrictions, global HTTP proxy, filtered DNS, DNS Proxy and advanced content filtering.
Global http proxy with TLS/SSL inspection
Apple devices support global HTTP proxy configuration. Global HTTP proxy routes most device web traffic through a specified proxy server or with a setting that’s applied across all Wi-Fi and mobile data networks. This feature is commonly used by schools or businesses for internet content filtering in an organisation-owned one-to-one deployment, in which users take their devices home. It allows the devices to be filtered in school and at home. Global HTTP proxy requires iOS, iPadOS and tvOS devices to be supervised.
Some apps, such as FaceTime, don’t use HTTP connections and can’t be proxied by an HTTP proxy server, thereby bypassing the global HTTP proxy. You can manage apps that don’t use HTTP connections with advanced content filtering.
Device support for website restrictions
Apple devices can restrict Safari and third-party apps to specific websites. Organisations with simple or limited content-filtering needs use this feature. Organisations with complex or legally mandated content-filtering requirements should use global HTTP proxy or advanced content-filtering options.
Website restrictions can be configured in Screen Time. Your mobile device management (MDM) solution can also configure website restrictions. The setting can be configured to allow all websites, limit adult content or specific websites only, or save usernames and passwords for specific websites:
All websites: Web content isn’t filtered.
Limit adult content: Limits access to many adult websites automatically.
Specific websites only: Limits access to predetermined websites, which can be customised.
Safari Password Autofill Domains: When this section of the Domains payload is configured, website URLs listed have their username and passwords saved.
Content filtering for mobile data connections
Devices deployed outside a school’s network may require adjustments to content filtering strategies. To learn more, see Deploy iPad with mobile data connections.
Advanced content filtering plug-ins
iPad devices support plug-ins for advanced content filtering of web and socket traffic. The plug-ins run locally and can make filtering decisions locally using a network or cloud-based system, or a combination of both. A mobile device management (MDM) solution can configure this functionality. Speak to your filtering vendor and your MDM vendor to see if they support advanced content filtering.