Final Cut Pro User Guide for Mac
- Welcome
- What’s new
- Intro to importing media
- If it’s your first import
- Organize files during import
- Import from Image Playground
- Import from iMovie for macOS
- Import from iMovie for iOS or iPadOS
- Import from Final Cut Pro for iPad
- Import from Final Cut Camera
- Import from Photos
- Import from Music
- Import from Apple TV
- Import from Motion
- Import from GarageBand and Logic Pro
- Import using workflow extensions
- Record into Final Cut Pro
- Memory cards and cables
- Supported media formats
- Import third-party formats with media extensions
- Adjust ProRes RAW camera settings
- Import REDCODE RAW files
- Import Canon Cinema RAW Light files
- Intro to effects
- Intro to transitions
- How transitions are created
- Add transitions and fades
- Quickly add a transition with a keyboard shortcut
- Set the default duration for transitions
- Delete transitions
- Adjust transitions in the timeline
- Adjust transitions in the inspector and viewer
- Merge jump cuts with the Flow transition
- Adjust transitions with multiple images
- Modify transitions in Motion
- Add adjustment clips
- Add storylines
- Use the precision editor
- Conform frame sizes and rates
- Use XML to transfer projects
- Glossary
- Copyright and trademarks

Change the tracking analysis method in Final Cut Pro for Mac
Final Cut Pro uses two analysis methods (algorithms) to do the calculations for object tracking. You can choose one method or use a combination of both. For more information, see How does object tracking work in Final Cut Pro for Mac?
Important: When you change the analysis method for a motion track, the new method doesn’t take effect until you delete the existing keyframes for the motion track and reanalyze the clip.
In the Final Cut Pro timeline, select the clip whose tracking analysis method you want to change.
Open the Video inspector, then scroll to the tracker you want to change in the Trackers section.
In the inspector, click the Analysis Method pop-up menu for the tracker you want to change, then choose one of the following:
Automatic: Final Cut Pro chooses the most suitable analysis method.
Combined: Final Cut Pro uses a combination of the Machine Learning and Point Cloud methods.
Machine Learning: Choose this option for tracking common objects (such as animals, cars, faces, trees, household objects, and so on). This algorithm excels at recognizing common objects because it is trained on many and varied examples of these objects in advance. The Machine Learning method can also overcome moderate occlusion, in which the tracked object passes behind another object. For example, if a tracked object passes behind a tree for a few frames, the Machine Learning method can continue tracking the object on the other side of the tree.
Note: Because Final Cut Pro uses an enhanced machine-learning model on Mac computers with Apple silicon, tracking results may differ between Mac computers with Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac computers.
Point Cloud: Choose this option when you need precise tracking of a specific set of pixels that you define using the tracker’s onscreen controls in the viewer. Point Cloud is good for tracking regions that are rigid and somewhat flat (from the camera’s point of view). If you’re using the Machine Learning method and see jitter on the motion track (the bounding rectangles around recognized objects jump from one size to another), try switching to the Point Cloud method. Its bounding rectangles are much less susceptible to quick changes.
In the Video inspector, click the down arrow next to the tracker and choose Reset Tracker from the pop-up menu.
The existing keyframes for the motion track are removed. For more information, see Adjust object tracking in Final Cut Pro for Mac.
With the clip selected in the timeline, do one of the following to reanalyze the clip:
Click Analyze in the upper-left corner of the viewer.
Click the Tracking Editor in the timeline, then click Analyze.
If the Tracking Editor isn’t shown, choose Clip > Show Tracking Editor (or press Option-Command-T).
Final Cut Pro performs the analysis using the method you chose, and renders the new tracking keyframes for the track.
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