Edit chart data in Keynote for iCloud
You can modify the data in a chart at any time in the Chart Data Editor. You can also add a new data series, delete a data series, or change how the data series are plotted in a chart.
To view all of a chart’s data, resize the Chart Data Editor by dragging its bottom-right corner.
Add, edit, or delete data
Select the chart, click Edit Chart Data, then do any of the following:
Add and edit data in a data series: Click a cell in a row or column, then enter your data.
You can edit numbers, dates, and durations in the data cells.
Add a new data series: Move the pointer to the left of the row or to the top of the column, click the arrow that appears, then click Insert Column or Insert Row (depending on whether rows or columns are plotted as data series).
Delete a data series: Move the pointer over the bar for the row or column you want to delete, click the arrow that appears, then click Delete Row or Delete Column (depending on whether rows or columns are plotted as data series).
Click the X in the top-left corner to close the Chart Data Editor.
Switch rows and columns as data series
You can change whether the rows or columns (in the Chart Data Editor) contain the data series. Doing so reverses the information plotted along each axis.
Select the chart, then click Edit Chart Data.
Click the row or column button in the top-right corner of the Chart Data Editor.
Click the X in the top-left corner to close the Chart Data Editor.
Share the x-axis for multiple values along the y-axis in scatter and bubble charts
Sharing the x-axis means plotting a single kind of value along the x-axis, while allowing for multiple kinds of values plotted along the y-axis.
Select a scatter or bubble chart, then click Edit Chart Data.
Click the Settings button
in the top-right corner of the Chart Data Editor, then select Share X Values.
Click the X in the top-left corner to close the Chart Data Editor.