Highlight and add notes in Books on Mac
It’s easy to highlight text or add notes while you’re reading a book that supports the features. You can see all of your highlights and notes at any time, and use them as study (or flash) cards.
Note: Highlighting and notes might not be available for all book types.
Add highlights or notes to a book
In the Books app
on your Mac, click Books (or another collection) in the sidebar, then double-click a book.
Select and Control-click the text you want to highlight or annotate.
In the pop-up menu, choose a colour, the underline or Add Note.
To change the highlight colour or remove a highlight or note, click the text.
Tip: Press and hold the Command key while you select text to highlight it with the last colour you used.
See all highlights and notes in a book
In the Books app
on your Mac, click Books (or another collection) in the sidebar, then double-click a book.
Move the pointer to the top of the book, then click the Notes and Highlights button
in the toolbar. For some books, you can also choose View > Show Notes In Margins.
If you don’t see an expected highlight or note in the Notes panel, you can search for it. Just start typing in the search field at the top of the sidebar.
next to a highlight or note to jump to that page.
To delete a highlight or note, select and Control-click the text, then choose Remove Note, Remove Highlight or Remove Note & Highlight.