Change your base station’s name and password in AirPort Utility on Mac
Give your base station a name so that you can easily identify it if there are multiple devices on your network. The name of the base station appears in the graphical overview of AirPort Utility. You can also protect your base station with a password, so that only people who know the password can change settings.
Open the AirPort Utility app
on your Mac, located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.
In the graphical overview, select the base station you want to configure, then click Edit. You may need to enter a password for the base station.
If necessary, click Base Station. Then do the following:
Type a new name for the base station in the Base Station Name field.
Type a new password for the base station in the Base Station Password field, and again in the Verify Password field.
If you want the password to be remembered in your macOS keychain, select “Remember this password in my keychain.”
Click Update to save your changes.
If you want to allow users to configure your base station over the Ethernet WAN port, select “Allow setup over WAN.” This lets you make changes to settings when you’re connected over a network.