Built-in keyboard shortcuts in Compressor
You can use keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish many tasks in Compressor. To use a keyboard shortcut, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time.
Keyboard shortcuts for common commands are listed in the table below.
Compressor general keyboard shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
Add a file | Command-I |
Add a set of image sequence files | Option-Command-I |
Add a set of surround sound files | Control-Command-I |
Navigate up the list of jobs (in the batch area) | Up Arrow |
Navigate down the list of jobs (in the batch area) | Down Arrow |
Play/Pause the video | Space Bar |
Play the video in reverse | J |
Stop playback | K |
Play the video | L |
Set the In point | I |
Set the Out point | O |
Add a marker | M |
Add a caption | Option-C |
Go to the previous marker or In/Out point | Control-Semicolon (;) |
Go to the next marker or In/Out point | Control-Apostrophe (’) |
Start transcoding the batch | Command-B |
Compressor window keyboard shortcuts
Action | Shortcut |
Show the Current view | Command-1 |
Show the Active view | Command-2 |
Show the Completed view | Command-3 |
Show or hide the inspector pane | Command-4 |
Show or hide the Presets and Locations pane | Command-5 |
Show Presets | Shift-Command-1 |
Show Locations | Shift-Command-2 |
Show the Network Encoding Monitor | Command-E |
Show the Compressor Preset window | Command-Comma (,) |
Minimize the Compressor window | Command-M |
Close the Compressor window | Command-W |
Quit Compressor | Command-Q |
Note: You can set the window layout back to its default state by choosing Window > Revert to Original Window Layout.
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