Verify your age when you download or stream mature content in South Korea

Before you stream or download songs, shows, videos, or games with mature content in South Korea, you must verify your age.

This article applies only to South Korea.

To download or stream mature content through Apple services in South Korea, you must verify that you’re at least legally 19 years old. Once a year, you'll be asked to verify your age again.

You can verify your age on an iPhone, iPad, Android device, or in the Apple Music app or Apple TV app on a Windows PC. (Make sure that your software is up to date. Learn how to update your iPhone or iPad.) You'll also need a valid Korean mobile phone number to receive the verification code.

Verify your age

Before you download or stream a song, album, show, video, or game that contains mature content, you'll be asked to verify your age.

  1. When prompted, tap or click Verify Age.

  2. Enter your name exactly as it appears on your mobile carrier account.* The capitalization and spelling must match what's on file with your mobile carrier. Then enter your birthday, mobile carrier information, mobile phone number, your gender, and your nationality.

  3. Tap or click Next.

  4. An SMS message with a verification code will be sent to the mobile number that you provided. Check your mobile phone for the message, then enter that verification code to play the song or album that you want.

*If you're a foreign national living in South Korea, your first name and last name might be on file in a different order. For example, Jane Smith might be on file as Smith Jane.

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