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Import data from a web address to Assets

Assets in Jira Service Management is a Premium and Enterprise only feature. Learn more about Assets

Importing is a way to bring outside data into Assets and automatically convert it into Assets object types, objects, attributes, and references.

If you are importing formatted information such as JSON or CSV, you can import your data directly from a web address.

After you’ve linked Assets with your data source, you can synchronise your data with Assets by selecting Import data.

  • The URL of the source data must be public and secure (https://).

  • If you want to enable public access but restrict it to Atlassian domains, please follow the instructions as outlined here, and in more granular shape here.

  • Uploaded files must not be larger than 40 MB in size.

If you are importing CSV data from a Google Sheets link, you must modify your URL by removing /edit#gid=0 from the ending of the URL and replacing it with /export?format=csv.

Ensure you have Viewers and commenters can see the option to download, print, and copy option enabled.

  1. Select an Object schema.

  2. Select Schema configuration, then choose the Import tab.

  3. Under the Import tab:

    1. If there is no import structure you will see the message No Import structure created. Click on Be the first to create one.

    2. If an import structure has already been created, click Create import to add a new import structure.

  4. Select one of the following from the pop-up window:

    1. CSV Import - imports data from a CSV (Content Separated Value) file.

    2. JSON Import - imports data from a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) file.

  5. In the Define import structure screen:

    1. Select a Name for your import structure.

    2. Select Import data from a web address and then enter the URL of the source data.

  6. If you want Assets to automatically create object types and attributes, enable Automatically create object types and attributes.

  7. If you want to create object types and attributes manually, disable Automatically create object types and attributes. Disabling this option requires you to manually map your data to your schema before importing data. Learn more about manually mapping your data.

  8. Select Create.

  9. The Imports tab should now be populated with your new import structure.


How to import data into Assets

  1. There are five steps when importing your data into Assets:

    1. Prepare your data.

    2. Create an import structure. There are four different types of import available:

      1. Discovery. Learn more about how to bring data from Discovery into Assets.

      2. CSV. Learn more about how to configure your CSV for importing.

      3. JSON import. Learn more about importing data from a JSON file.

      4. External import. Learn more about how to develop an app to import data into Assets.

    3. Map your data. There are two options:

      1. Map your data automatically by automatically creating object types and attributes, or;

      2. Map your data manually by:

        1. Using object type mapping to create Assets object types

        2. Using object type attribute mapping to create Assets attributes and references

        3. Using child object type mapping to create hierarchical parent and child structures.

    4. After you have created your object type mappings you must enable them. The import structure will not be executable until all object type mappings are set to ENABLED. If your object type mappings are not enabled, right-click on your object type mapping and click Enable to enable them.

    5. Execute the import.

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