We're updating our terminology in Jira

'Issue' is changing to 'work item'. You might notice some inconsistencies while this big change takes place.

What are developer escalations?

To use this feature:
From your service project, select Project settings, then Features. Then turn on Developer escalations.

Developer escalations is a customer service management feature that can be used for issues that need input from subject matter experts.

An example of a developer escalation might be a specific customer issue where payments are not going through after upgrading to the latest version of the mobile banking application. When a customer raises a request to the bank for this issue, the customer service agent working on the issue can create a developer escalation so that developers can look into it.

Developers can be added as collaborators to your project in Jira Service Management. Collaborators are a specific type of licensed users in your Jira site with whom agents in Jira Service Management work. They usually belong to your organization’s internal teams, and occasionally assist agents with customer requests by making internal comments.

Read more about collaborators

Once the developers investigate the underlying reason for the customer issue, they can share their findings by adding internal comments.

The Developer escalations feature aims to minimize the time and effort it takes for customer service teams to jump through multiple tools and apps to liaise with developers. Developers also get access to a dedicated view to filter out escalations assigned to their team and work through them quickly.

Read about setting up developer escalations


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