Travis scott's utopia scrobbles not counting

Got this app in January this year and literally everything is getting counted as a scrobble except for utopia, which is strange. Could it be because of my DSP that i'm connected to? Wrong misdirections in his name? (in relation to the $ which a lot people are speculating is the case). I've been searching for a solution for a while because I've played this album a good few thousand times over and I ideally want it to be on record. Would appreciate some help

Also if any proposed solution involves me buying pro, then count me out lol.

Checking your library for the artist name with a dollar sign shows 521 scrobbles:$+Scott

Your library for the redirected Travis Scott without dollar sign shows 451 scrobbles:

Both do not show the album Utopia though, so from where do you scrobble it, local music files or a streaming site and which one? OK, I just noticed that you added Apple Music as a tag for the thread, so there might be another problem that you haven't added the album to your Music library yet which is necessary if you want to scrobble it with the official apps.

There are two album pages for both spellings of the artist name:

UTOPIA 鈥� Travi$ Scott |

UTOPIA 鈥� Travis Scott |

Maybe you can find your scrobbles on one of them with your scrobble counter below the header. You probably have to disable auto-correction in your website settings for this as well.

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To answer your question, I use apple music and I have utopia downloaded and added to my library. The problem just relies on to recognize it and scrobble it but it doesn't even seem to exist on the app. Travis Scott's page on is such a headache

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