i downloaded my youtube music history and started bulk scrobbling it just to have all my music library here, would this result in my account being considered as a spam if i scrobble 3000 tracks daily?
just to be specific i scrobbled about 6000 tracks and i have about 10000 more to go so..
I don't know what you exactly mean with banned but there is a limit on the total of scrobbles you can add PER DAY (somewhere between 2400 en 3000).
So to add 10.000 scrobbles more of history would take about 4 or 5 days depending on if you are also still listening and scrobbling music at the same time.
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There is a max. limit of 3k scrobbles per day, if you scrobble more, your account will be temporarily blocked for 24 hours, but not banned.