Customize Default Values

You can set up default values that will enable Daylite to pre-populate the information in certain fields when you create a new object. You must be logged in as a Daylite administrator to be able to fully customize the default values settings.

To customize default values

  1. Choose Daylite > Preferences.
  2. Click Default Values.
  3. Select the object you want to set up default values for.
  4. Select a user. (Note: Please review the different cases discussed here.)
  5. Select the checkbox for the field you wish to modify and set the default value.

Keep in mind the following:

Case 1:

For a Database administrator (i.e., access level set to Administrator or Superuser in the Users & Teams pane of Daylite Preferences) in a multi-user environment

  • You can select “Global” and specify default values. The default values you have set will be applicable to all Daylite users in the database.
  • If you want to set up custom default values for your own usage, then you must select “Me” and specify the default values. (Note: If both Global and Me values are set, then the Me setting overrides the "Global" setting. )
  • You can select users one by one and specify their default values individually.

Default values multi user

Case 2:

For normal and limited access users (i.e., access level set to Normal Access or Limited Access in the Users & Teams pane of Daylite Preferences) in a multi-user environment, you can set up the default values for your own usage. You cannot set up default values for other Daylite users.

Default values single user

Case 3:

For a single user using Daylite as a brand new database, you can set up the default values for your own usage.

Default values single user

The default values will be automatically applied when you create new objects in Daylite.

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