Edit a list column
Applies To
SharePoint Server Subscription Edition SharePoint Server 2019 SharePoint in Microsoft 365 Microsoft ListsYou can change list column settings, such as the column's name and type. Depending on the type of column, you can also make changes such as how much text a user can enter, or which columns to show or hide. You can also change the order in which columns appear in a list. For example, in a product list, you can change the item number or price's position in the list.
You need Edit permission level or higher to edit list columns.
Does your screen look different than the examples here? Your administrator might have classic experience set on the list, or you're using an earlier version. If so, see Change the column order in a list or library. If you're a list owner, site owner, or administrator, see Switch the default experience for lists and libraries between new or classic for the steps to set the default experience.
Change how the columns are displayed
Open the list that you want to update.
Select View options.
Choose a view. By default, it's All Documents. -
Hover and select the down arrow on any of the list headings, and then select Column settings > Show/hide columns.
Drag and drop columns up or down to put them in a new order. You can also use the Up or Down arrows that appear when you hover over a column name.
Repeat step 4 to change the order of all columns you want, and then select Apply to save.
To save the view, select View options and then select Save view as. Update the name and select Save.
Show or hide columns
Open the list you want to update.
Select View options. The name displayed in View options is the name of your current view. By default, it's All Documents.
Hover and select the down arrow on any of the list headings, and then select Column settings > Show/hide columns.
In Edit view columns, select or clear the columns you want to show or hide.
Select Apply to save.
To save the view, select View options > Save view as. Update the name and select Save.
Change other column settings for a list
You can also change other settings for columns directly from the Column settings dropdown menu.
Open the list you want to update.
If you want to change columns in a view, select View options, and choose a view. The name displayed in View options is the name of your current view. By default, it's All Documents.
Select the arrow next to the column you want to change, and then select Column settings.
In the menu, select the change you want to make, such as formatting the column, moving it left or right, hiding it, or adding a new column. The settings vary depending on the type of column you're editing.
For more information, see List and library column types and options and Edit a rich text list column.
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