Polar Sport Profiles
Here are listed all the sport profiles Polar Flow and Polar devices support. You can choose up to 20 sport profiles at a time for your Polar device. For more information, see How can I edit sport profiles and training views in Polar Flow?.
Please note that in a number of indoor sports, group sports and team sports profiles the HR visible to other devices setting is enabled by default. This means that compatible devices using Bluetooth Smart wireless technology, e.g. gym equipment, can detect your heart rate. You can also use your watch during Polar Club classes to broadcast your heart rate to the Polar Club system. You can enable or disable Bluetooth broadcasting from sport profile settings.
The sport profiles are:
- Adaptive water skiing
- Badminton (broadcast on by default)
- Baseball (broadcast on by default)
- Basketball (broadcast on by default)
- Beach tennis
- Beach volley
- Bootcamp (broadcast on by default)
- Boxing (broadcast on by default)
- Canoeing
- Circuit training (broadcast on by default)
- Climbing (indoor)
- Climbing (outdoor)
- Cricket (broadcast on by default)
- Cross-trainer (broadcast on by default)
- Curling
- Disc golf
- Dog agility
- Esports
- Field hockey (broadcast on by default)
- Finnish baseball (broadcast on by default)
- Fitness boxing
- Floorball (broadcast on by default)
- Football (broadcast on by default)
- Functional training (broadcast on by default)
- Futsal (broadcast on by default)
- Golf
- Gymnastics (broadcast on by default)
- High-intensity interval training
- Handball (broadcast on by default)
- Handcycling
- Ice hockey (broadcast on by default)
- Judo (broadcast on by default)
- Kayaking
- Kickboxing (broadcast on by default)
- Kitesurfing
- LES MILLS BARRE (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYATTACK (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYBALANCE (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYCOMBAT (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYJAM (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYPUMP (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS BODYSTEP (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS CORE (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS GRIT Cardio (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS GRIT Athletic (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS GRIT Strength (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS RPM (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS SH'BAM (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS SPRINT (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS THE TRIP (broadcast on by default)
- LES MILLS TONE (broadcast on by default)
- Obstacle course racing
- Other indoor (broadcast on by default)
- Other outdoor
- Padel
- Pickleball
- Riding
- Ringette
- Rope skipping
- Rugby (broadcast on by default)
- Sailing
- Shooting (indoor)
- Shooting (outdoor)
- Skateboarding
- Sled hockey
- Snowboarding
- Soccer (broadcast on by default)
- Squash (broadcast on by default)
- Kettlebell (broadcast on by default)
- Strength training (broadcast on by default)
- Surfing
- Table tennis
- Tennis (broadcast on by default)
- Trotting
- Ultimate
- Volleyball
- Wheelchair basketball
- Wheelchair racing
- Wheelchair tennis
- Cycling
- Electric biking
- Gravel cycling
- Indoor cycling (broadcast on by default)
- Kickbiking
- Mountain biking
- Road cycling
- Ballet (broadcast on by default)
- Ballroom (broadcast on by default)
- Dancing (broadcast on by default)
- Fitness dancing (broadcast on by default)
- Jazz (broadcast on by default)
- Latin (broadcast on by default)
- Modern (broadcast on by default)
- Show (broadcast on by default)
- Street (broadcast on by default)
Downhill skiing
- Backcountry skiing
- Downhill skiing
- Telemark skiing
- Duathlon
- Off-road duathlon
Group exercise
- Aerobics (broadcast on by default)
- Aqua fitness
- Group exercise (broadcast on by default)
- Spinning (broadcast on by default)
- Step workout (broadcast on by default)
Martial arts
- Martial arts (broadcast on by default)
- Taekwondo (broadcast on by default)
- Car racing
- Enduro
- Hard enduro
- Motocross
- Motor sports
- Road racing
- Snowcross
- Mountain bike orienteering
- Orienteering
- Ski orienteering
- Indoor rowing
- Rowing
- Cross-country running
- Jogging
- Road running
- Running
- Stair workout
- Track&field running
- Trail running
- Treadmill running (broadcast on by default)
- Ultra running
- Ice skating
- Inline skating
- Roller skating
- Skating
- Biathlon
- Classic XC skiing
- Classic roller skiing
- Freestyle XC skiing
- Freestyle roller skiing
- Skiing
- Open water swimming
- Pool swimming
- Swimming
- Off-road triathlon
- Triathlon (Vantage M, Vantage M2, Vantage V, Vantage V2)
- Hiking
- Nordic walking
- Snowshoe trekking
- Walking
- Water running
- Water sports
- Wakeboarding
- Water skiing
- Windsurfing
- Body&Mind (broadcast on by default)
- Core (broadcast on by default)
- Mobility (dynamic) (broadcast on by default)
- Mobility (static) (broadcast on by default)
- Pilates (broadcast on by default)
- Stretching (broadcast on by default)
- Yoga (broadcast on by default)
Some of our watches need at minimum a certain firmware version to be able to show the new sport profiles. We recommend using the latest firmware version with your watch. If needed, FlowSync or Flow app will prompt you to update your device when you sync it. Here are the watches with the minimum supported versions needed for the new sport profiles:
Grit X | Ignite | Unite | Vantage M | Vantage V | Vantage V2 |
2.0.12 | 2.1.5 | 2.0.7 | 5.2.0 | 5.2.0 | 3.0.16 |
I can't see the new sport profile icon with the new sport in my watch, what's wrong?
Your watch is fine. Unfortunately, some of our devices show only a generic other sports icon with the new sport profile name. Even without the specific icon, the new sport profile will track all the necessary data of your training session.